Creation "Parfait" or "Ice Cream Soda" Cooking Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Acting as creators, Children will make a fruit parfait or ice cream soda whose layers will represent the 7 Days of Creation
Scripture Reference:
Genesis 1:1-2:3
Sundae Parfait Supply List:
If you choose to make a "healthy" parfait:
- fresh fruit (blueberries, sliced strawberries and banana)
- yogurt (vanilla and plain)
- granola or nuts
- raisins
If you choose to make an Ice Cream Soda:
- Blue ice cream (kids can make their own by mixing in food coloring)
- Green ice cream to represent the land and vegetation
- Soda (seltzer) or lemon-lime soda to represent the waters of creation
- Whipped cream
- Gummies bears and Swedish fish
- mini gingerbread men to represent us
- cherry on top to represent rest
- plastic parfait cups
- spoons
- straws for ice cream soda
- napkins
- permanent marker
Explain to the children that they will have the opportunity to be creators today. Ask the children if they know what parfaits are and explain it to them. You'll be making a yogurt parfait or ice cream "soda" (basically like an ice cream sundae but with seltzer water to turn it into a drink).
After reading your favorite translation of the Creation Story, or favorite children's book about Creation, students will assemble a 7 layer "parfait." Encourage them to not only create something they would like to look at and eat, but also something that is beautiful and honors God's creative Spirit.
Once the parfaits are assembled, collect them all for a quick class discussion, asking each student about their choice of foods/tastes for the various layers.
Closing Reflection:
Draw a 7 Layer Parfait on the Big Board and take suggestions for "layers" God wants us to be made of: love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, caring, loyalty,forgiving, intelligence, imagination, etc etc. that would make us IN GOD'S IMAGE.
Conclude with a prayer asking God to continue to "create in us" his "parfait."
A lesson idea posted by member Stdavidskids