Wormy Note:
Here are two Cooking and/or Storytelling IDEAS moved here from previous posts. There are several "creation snack/cakes" projects in this thread. In the Creation Sundae idea, however, the author suggests using the ingredients AS THE STORY IS TOLD, rather than as simply the "activity after the story." It's almost a Storytelling workshop.
Creation Sundaes
I did this 20 years ago and here's what I remember, other than "the kids ate it up".
As the storyteller/teacher RECOUNTS the story of creation, they invite the kids to ADD INGREDIENTS to their "Sundae". The storyteller asks questions and makes points in between each ingredient. Now what the kids end up creating could be sloppy and full of odd combinations, but that's the daring fun of it.
Day 1: Light: vanilla ice cream.
Day 2: Firmament (air/sky/clouds) whipped cream
Day 3: Plants and earth: chocolate, crushed cookies and candy-something plants)
Day 4: Stars, Sun, Moon. Candy decorator dots, etc.
Day 5: Birds/animals/crawly things: gummie bears and worms.
Day 6: Human beings (gingerbread men)
Day 7: God Rested...and enjoyed.
We added a Maraschino cherry on top saying that it was God's crowning grace, Jesus Christ, etc etc.
Originaly posted by Neil MacQueen
From a similar lesson in the Exchange (which I've now moved to here)
• Form a big circle with each child having a plastic baggie/brown paper sack
• Pass around the “treats” as the story part is read (have everyone reach into the center of the circle to get the treat – or have the shepherd pass them out—each child should take enough of each item in order to share later.)
• After each “treat” is passed out - except the first one - the kids say in unison, “and God saw that it was good” (with maybe an extra emphasis on “good”.)
**Note: they will take their Creation Mix to share with someone after church and tell the story of creation as they share**
Items: Whopper bars, Oreo cookies, Frosted Mini-wheats, sunflower seeds & fruit roll-ups, Yellow & orange M&M’s, Starburst candies, goldfish., animal crackers, gingerbread people, marshmallows, Fruit Breezers
Say the following -------
The Bible holds a “Whopper” of a tale (one whopper).
Day 1 - In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth. He created the light and called it ‘Day’ and the dark He called ‘Night’. (Oreo cookie). (The kids say, “and God saw that it was good").
Day 2 – God separated the waters from the waters. And the firmament He called Heaven. (Frosted Mini-Wheat’s cereal – for the clouds and the ground) (“And God saw that it was good").
Day 3 – God gathered the waters together to form the seas and the earth. And God let the earth bring forth seeds (sunflower seed) and fruit (‘fruit’ rollups)(kids say, “and God saw that it was good").
Day 4 – God created the sun (yellow M&M’s) and the moon (orange M&M’s). You can see the many stars He created in the Milky Way (Starburst candy) (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").
Day 5 - God made the birds and the fish. (Goldfish) (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").
Day 6 - God made man and woman and all the animals that creep on the earth. (Animal crackers and small gingerbread man cookie) (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").
Day 7 – On the seventh day God ended His work and He rested (marshmallow ‘pillows"). God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").
Man and woman were created in the image of God. Life was a “breeze” (Fruit Breezers) in the Garden of Eden. We know that our God is an awesome God. There are “100-Grand” ways to show Him our thanks for the beautiful creation He made. (100 Grand candy bar)
(Inspired by Children's Ministry Magazine - July/Aug 2001)
In their journals (providing time allows) have each child write an acrostic about creation using each letter of C-R-E-A-T-I-O-N as the first word of each line.
Pray, thanking God for the wonder of all that he has made and for the gift of music, word and picture, through which WE create things of beauty.
Tidy up & dismiss.
Originally posted by Shirley Lotts
Volunteer Moderator added title and bolding for readability
Whoops, volunteer moderator (Luanne) would like to note I inadvertently deleted a post regarding this where the person disliked the term "Whooper" as it indicates a mistake, which God never makes. And suggested they would use another term if using the above recipe.