
Reply to "COOKING Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Talents, Pounds"

Parable of the Talents

Cooking Workshop


The Making of a Hero (Sandwich)
Are you a Hero Sandwich?  Or just baloney?

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will learn what God expects from them by listening to a story about how three children handled the gifts that were entrusted to them by God. Through the story and by constructing a Hero sandwich, they will come to an understanding of how our talents grow and are multiplied, and how, by letting one’s light shine, an ordinary person can become a hero. 

Lesson Objectives:

  1. God gives each person talents; these talents are gifts, the gift of faith and the gift of certain abilities or strengths. 
  2. God expects a return on His investment. He requires us to take risks with our faith and to use our talents.
  3. Something small can become great. The mustard seed is small but becomes a huge tree. Kids can and need to speak the Truth; kids can make a difference.
  4. Each child will be able to identify at least one talent he or she possesses. 

Supplies List:

  • Raw dough,
  • small hero buns,
  • matzo crackers,
  • variety of cold cuts,
  • cheese,
  • tomatoes,
  • shredded lettuce,
  • mustard,
  • mayo,
  • catsup,
  • pickles,
  • vinegar,
  • baggies,
  • hand wipes.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read: The Five Talents (Matt 25:14-30) and The Mustard Seed (Matt 13:31-32).
  • Review with children what they have learned in previous workshops. 
  • Gather the materials.




Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.


Open with a prayer.


Dig - Main Content and Reflection:


Story: (may be told or read)


As you tell this story, you are to show/pass various food items.

Once upon a time there were three children who all had talents, one of whom knew what his talents were. The other two didn’t have a clue. They felt just like this cracker—(show them a matzo) kind of bland and colorless, so flat that it can hardly be seen, just lying there going nowhere. They felt they weren’t measuring up to everyone else. (Pass out dry saltine crackers and have children taste. These crackers will represent people who are not using talents.) 

At church one Sunday, they were told how we are all formed and molded in God’s image and how much God loves us. From that moment on Bonnie Buns and Billy Bologna really believed what they had heard. They received the gift of faith, and guess what? They were no longer flat like a cracker!


Their faith made them more confident and they began to grow and were full of the Holy Spirit. (Pull out a bowl of dough and kneed it. Break it up and pass it around.  God molds us and like yeast make bread rise into something tasty and bakable, God fills us with his Holy Spirit--- helping us to grow. Then after a short time in the oven.... bread!  (pull our the hero buns to represent Spirit filled Children.)


Billy Bologna had a bicycle and he could ride his bike very, very well. He obeyed all the rules and his mother trusted him to be responsible enough to run errands for her. One day Mrs. Sheetcake saw him riding by and asked, “ Billy Bologna, would you run some errands for me? I am so busy and it would help me so much.”  (pull out the sheetcake)


He visited the lettuce family and helped Old Mr. Cheese with yard work. He visited collected canned food for the food drive down at Mrs Mayo's. And when Joey Tomato got picked on at school by the other kids, Billy Bologna stood up for him.


Billy agreed, and soon he was running errands for many of his neighbors. He made lots of new friends, and was soon well known in his whole subdivision. He even found other ways he could be helpful to his neighbors.


One day neighbor Harry Hamm said to him, “Billy, you are such a fine young man. How would you like to take over a morning paper route? I know you could handle it.” Billy was pleased to be asked but was not sure he could do the job. However, his mother and his friends assured him that indeed he could, because they knew how capable he was.


Billy accepted the job, and soon he was not only making more new friends, he was making money and learning how to run a business. This pleased him because he could now open a savings account and have money to tithe to the church. 


Some years later Billy was able to buy a computer, and after learning how to use it, he was able to help out with many projects for his church and school. He was known as a leader in his high school and was able to go on to college with the money he saved. He was also known to be a good friend to all who knew him, to be caring, loving, patient, kind, to always be there to lend an ear or a helping hand.

Bonnie Buns was a shy girl who liked to sing but only when no one was listening. She and her family spent much time traveling and she had amassed a rock collection from different places all around the world. She started sharing her knowledge of rocks with her friends. Her teacher at school heard about her collection, and one day asked her to bring her rocks for show and tell.


She was very nervous and scared to speak in front of the whole group, but her mother encouraged her, and Billy Bologna told her how much he was looking forward to seeing her different rocks, so she decided she would give it a try.


Soon her Sunday School teacher, Ms. Pickle, heard about her collection and asked her to bring some rocks from the Holy Land to the class and share with them her travels in that region. Much to her surprise, she really enjoyed sharing her knowledge with others and no longer thought about her shyness. She was such a good speaker that she was asked to be in school and church plays where she excelled as an amateur actress.


She served her church as a lay leader upon occasion, joined the school choir and was encouraged by her teacher to take voice lessons. After a time, she was singing solos in her church and school and doing musical drama. She made many friends and brought much joy to people with her acting and singing skills. She will be majoring in music and drama in college.

Now, let’s talk about what happened to Larry lettuce. Nobody thought he tasted very good. People didn't want to be around him. Until one day at church, God added some vinegar and oil to his life. Suddenly, Larry was everywhere, talking about how to grow strong in the Lord.


Oh, there were some stinkers. There people in Larry, Billy and Bonnie's neighborhood who had started out great, but had buried their gifts.  There was the whole TATER family. Aggie Tator --she was always causing trouble. And there was Dic-tator. who always had to get his way and didn't listen to anybody. And there was Aunt Hesi-tator, who always made promises to others but never kept them.  They all had gifts but they buried them in the dirt with their bad attitudes and habits, and so never never get picked to be part of God's Hero Sandwich.

Each of us have been given gifts by God, and when we use them TOGETHER, we become something great than each of us. That's why we come to church.... to be  HERO SANDWICH..


Make a Hero Sandwich


Now let's each make a Hero Sandwich.  Follow me and see if you can remember what the different pieces of the sandwich story mean.  (this is another opportunity for the teach to reinforce the concepts).


Who wants Mustard?  Some people have the gift of spice and heat!  They never let us get dull, like _____here in our class


Some thoughts about what the ingredients might mean:


Invite students to give alternate meanings along the lines of "gifts/talents" that God gives....


For example...

  • Catsup, mustard or mayo represents the talents that each one of you is given. 
  • The meat represents faith. We step out in faith to use our underlying talents.
  • Cheese represents time—with time as we age our talents become better.
  • Tomato represents the fruits of the spirit, which come to us by sharing our gifts with others for the glory of God.
  • Shredded lettuce represents the multiplication of our gifts-when we use one they just keep on growing.
  • Pickle represents the spice of life. The more we share our gifts, the more interesting life becomes, and the more opportunities we have to give God His glory. What joy we experience!
  • Top of the bun finishes the “Hero sandwich and keeps everything together while allowing us to still see the ingredients just like our body is the package for the human hero but still lets our gifts and our faith be seen. 
  • Each one of us can be a hero for God. You can have MANY GIFTS inside you.   And together, be can be a GREAT FEAST OF GIFTS FOR THE WORLD.


End the lesson with a prayer.


A lesson originally posted by the Rotation folks at Desoto Pres, Dallas TX. It has a very creative "hero sandwich building reflection".  During our 2013 renovation of this forum it stood out! ...and our reviewers suggested that anyone using it enhance it with their own ingredients and insights.


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability. 

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