Here are some sites I use for lesson planning. Grandmama
One of my favorite sites – complete lessons plans, teaching tips, organizational tips,
Free – but a donation would help them continue this site
free site with teachers guide and lessons for children
This one is very good for lesson plans also
Sunday School provides free Bible study lessons, review activities and games, songs, trading card files, and teaching tips for primary and junior level church classes. If you're making your own children's ministry curriculum, you can find lots of ideas, worksheets, graphics and other materials for your students
a directory of children's Sunday School resources and crafts
The Calvary Chapel free lesson worksheets has changed. See new links below.
Free Lesson worksheets always include: coloring page, a crossword (with bible verses as the questions) and a maze (2 different pages with different levels of difficulty), and a walk-through the lesson with multiple choice, fill-in the blank, etc always based on the scripture.
[The former Calvary Chapel resources are being revised. The old materials referenced here are still available at http://www.calvarycurriculum.c...ns-curriculum-ot.php. The NEW curriculum includes much more complex line drawings by the same artist, with the theory that children will engage the story more deeply when they're not as focused on coloring between the lines. Only the Life of Jesus is complete as of 5/2/2014. There are also "training" materials for using the new curriculum.]
This web site is a gateway to the Land of the Bible, home of the New and Old Testaments. Packed with original images and information, it highlights the wonders and charm of the region and its relevance to the historical and biblical roots.
Hope this is helpful