This topic at has four different Creation story "workshop" lesson plans written for River Community Church's Riverkids:
Art Workshop: the children will hear/experience the Creation story by being creators themselves. They will look at the work of Michelangelo on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and will experiment with painting while lying on their backs and with painting frescoes.
Games Workshop: the children will play a variety of games which will help them learn the order in which things were created. And they will understand that we can enjoy Creation.
Movie Workshop: the children will view a video featuring the poem “Creation” by James Weldon Johnson. Then they will compare the Biblical version and the poet’s version of the Creation story. They also will create their own poems about Creation.
Storytelling & Creative Movement Workshop: the children will hear and experience the Creation story with mystery containers that hold objects which provide a sensory experience of the story. Then they will interpret the Scripture kinesthetically using scarves and creative movement.
Some of the ideas in these lesson plans are adapted from previously posted lesson ideas here at