Video Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will watch and discuss one or two short videos and then follow it up with their own dramatic reading of Genesis 1:1-2:2 and a "spinning" prayer of praise. For more video options, go to our Creation Story Video Workshop listings.
Option 1 for Younger Children and Preschool: When God Made The World -- video set to a reading of the popular children's book, When God Created the World. This poetic retelling features wonderful illustrations set to inspiring kid-friendly language. See it below.
Option 2: Saddleback Kids' Creation Story video
Video and illustrations narrated with scripture
Option 3: God's Story: Creation from Crossroads Kids
Quickly tells the story with life meaning.
This shortened version of Genesis 1 includes some nice commentary.
For older children and pre-teens:
Here's an excellent explanation of the themes, meaning, and importance of Genesis 1's story of Creation, our place and "rule" or role in Creation, and "The Image of God." Use it for an alternative discussion with older kids.
Preparation and Room Set Up:
- Read the Background information and Lesson.
- Preview the YouTube videos in the classroom to be sure your internet connection is good.
- Prepare popcorn and have it bagged and ready to distribute as children arrive.
- Fill the pitcher with water from the hallway water fountain and fill cups.
- Have the Video ready to go when the children arrive.
Supplies List:
- Prepare to show the two videos on a large screen.
- Popcorn
Lesson Plan
As children arrive have them pick up their popcorn, season it as desired and sit in the theater seats. Welcome them and explain what they'll be viewing and doing today, and what you hope they will learn.
Introduce your video(s) with these warm-up questions and comments:
Let's take a quick "Creation Quiz"!
- When I say "Story of Creation" what do you think of?
- In what book is the Story of Creation found in the Bible?
- What does the word "Genesis" mean?
- Which do you think is more important, an explanation of HOW God created? Or WHY God created? (explain your answer)
Say: The Story of Creation in Genesis does not explain HOW God created the universe, only that God DID create it with the power of his Word, and made it with such beauty, color, and complexity that we stand IN AWE of God, as well as in AWE of what he made.
Perhaps the most important question about Creation, however, is WHAT are WE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING IN IT?
After viewing our video(s), I want you to try and answer that question.
Debrief the Video:
If you had to explain the video to someone, what would you tell them it was about?
If using your Bibles, assign verses to your students and demonstrate how to DRAMATICALLY READ a verse or two. If they aren't dramatic enough, interrupt them and encourage them to "make it BIG and POWERFUL, just like God did."
If you are reading for non-readers, be dramatic and invite them to "create with you" when you move your hands to place stars in the sky, and plant the ground, and make birds fly. (In other words, get your body into it!)
Close with a "twirling prayer game" inviting children to exhuberantly turn with their hands outstretched as they say something like "thank you God for the world and our place in it." If possible, move this to the church lawn so that they have a soft landing if needed. Have each prayer go individually. If you have younger children, invite a strong adult to spin them in the air as they praise God for Creation.
A lesson originally posted by member Jaymie Derden and updated by the Content Team