A Music and Movement Workshop Lesson
Children will dramatize the story of Creation using colorful color-coordinated streamers and a dramatic reading.
Scripture References:
Genesis 1-2:2, “The Story of Creation”
Memory Verse:
Genesis 1:1
God created the world and everything in it. We can learn about the character of God through the story of Creation, and the role God has given us to play in it.
Preparation and Room Set Up:
- Read the Background information, Teaching Tips and Lesson.
- Gather necessary supplies for the lesson.
- Make scarves for dramatic movement.
- Make streamers of each color:
Cut or tear the colored fabric or crepe paper into strips, 12 inches long by 2 inches wide – four strips per color.
Stack the strips on top of each other and tie in the middle with yarn (fabric) or tape (crepe paper). - Tip: Leave some of the streams incomplete so children can help complete them as they arrive.
- Stack the streamers in piles according to their color.
Supplies List:
- 3/4 yard each of black, yellow, dark blue, light blue, red, pink, white, brown, green fabric or use crepe paper strips
- clear tape or yarn
Lesson Plan
Greet the children as they arrive and immediately involve them in attaching more fabric and crepe paper to the streamers you prepared ahead of time.
Introduce the Story:
Warmup Questions: Why do you think the grass is green and water is blue? Do you ever look up at the stars and wonder how they got there? Have you ever wondered if your life matters -- or are you just a small unimportant part of the universe?
There's a story in the Bible that teaches us WHERE ALL THIS came from, including YOU. And more important, WHY IT AND YOU are here!
Do you know the name of that story? Do you know where in the Bible we can find it? Let's look!
Help the children locate “The Story of Creation,” Genesis 1-2:2 and read it as a group.
Depending on your age group, randomly point to a reader to have them read 3 verses each. (Randomly assigning readers makes everyone focus in case it will be their turn.)
Discussion Questions:
Genesis means…. (beginning)
Who created the earth and the universe? (God)
What did God create? (heavens and earth, all things in it)
WHY did God create Creation? (the answer is in Day 7: God wanted to enjoy it, rest in it)
What does the Creation Story tell us about God's personality? character? ---God is creative, orderly, patient, takes care, and is full of joy (have you ever seen a monkey or giraffe?) All of these together show a loving God.
What does it mean to be made in God’s image? (we are creative, orderly, and can be patient, take care, and be full of joy!)
When you hear or read the Story of Creation, do you get the feeling that God is...
Colorful Creation Movement
(We adapted this activity from the script from Exploring L.I.F.E., My Life and Creation, Joyce Brown, Cokesbury, 2004. BUT you could easily use this activity by using a Children's Story Bible -- read the story of creation and have children use the streamers OR use the Gerald McDermott book Creation -- this is a beautiful retelling of the Creation story with descriptive words that can easily be demonstrated with actions.
- Say: God’s creation is full of colors. We are going to re-tell the story of Creation using these colorful streamers, our body motions and the expressions on our faces only. We will start out with just one or two volunteers, but before the story is done, everyone will join in.
General Directions:
- Have children sit in rows, far enough apart that they can stretch out their arms without touching their neighbors on the sides or front/back.
- Before beginning, show children the color streamers previously prepared. Have them think about the different colors in creation and determine which colors fit -- for example: darkness - black, light - yellow, stars/moon - white, earth - brown, plants, grass - green (and other colors), animals and birds (all colors), sky - light blue, water - dark blue, etc.
- Pass out colored streamers to the children so all colors are distributed and each child has at least one streamer. There are nine colors, so base the number you pass out on the number of children in your class. If you have a large class, you’ll need to have multiple children take one color of wrist scarves. If you have less than nine in class, children will have to use two different colors (a different color on each hand). Just be sure every child will have an opportunity to participate.
- Next have children practice some motions and expressions to warm up and get the feel for the movement with the streamers. Use some of the following words as examples. Remind them to use just face and your body... no words!. Determine a "stop" signal -- such as raising your hands.
5. Read the story (from the script, the story Bible or the Creation book), pausing to let the children use the streamers, body movements and facial expressions to act out the narration -- For example: in the beginning there was only darkness (black streamers) -- The children with the black streamers should act out the words -- such as floating, hovering, nothingness. When you add the light -- the children with the yellow streamers will act. Read slowly and pause after colors, descriptions or motions are mentioned.
Write some of the keywords from today's lesson and celebration on the streamers so that the students can take them home. With older kids, have them write a message of thanksgiving for God's Creation.
For your closing, have student share some of the words they wrote as a prayer to God.
A lesson written by Jaymie Derden from: State Street UMC, Bristol, VA
and updated by a member of the Content Team