"After Chat" Coffee 
Additional resources for Lent and Easter shared by participants who stuck around after the event
Heather Margerison recommended The Sparkle Egg, by the same author as The Sparkle Box, which was recommended in our Advent resources. The Sparkle Egg link includes a copy of the book so you can preview it and also has discussion questions (for children and adults) and activities to go with the book. (Dana Jackson also gave the book a
—she has used it for a children's message.)
You can also check out how Board Member Luanne Payne used this book along with dissolving paper-see details here.- Mary Abe shared that she used a Stations of the Cross artwork lesson from our site. It was well-received as an intergenerational Lent program. (She did not remember exactly where she found the lesson, and I have not found it yet, but here are a number of creative ideas for Stations of the Cross. If you find the lesson she is referring to, please share a link below. Thanks!)
- Barbara Fitzsimmons used the Hands on Easter Story, which is a prayer station walk through Holy Week from Flame Creative Children's Ministry last year, and she recommends it.
- Cindy Yanchury has used Flame Creative Children's Ministry materials also, and they offer many free lessons and handouts. She particularly recommends the Play Dough Mats. Here is an example of one for the Last Supper:
- Neil MacQueen recommended JustWatch, a guide to where you can find movies streaming. For example, you can currently find Jesus Christ Superstar streaming on a number of platforms, but nowhere for free.
- From Marcia Smith: In the fall of 2021, our elementary students explored the sacrament of Holy Communion. At the close of the unit we used canvas fabric squares and fabric crayons to make a Communion cloth. We presented it to the congregation in worship one Sunday. It was a very meaningful activity for our students and a touching one for our adult congregation, as they saw the children change the Communion table cloth and re-place the candles, pitcher, plate and chalice. (These pictures are parts of the cloth.)
We are grateful that several participants hung around a bit after the Coffee Chat to give us some feedback.
- Michael Tracy said he likes the adaptability of what we offer, as everyone has different space, size, and resources.
- Mary Ann Johnson says, "Rotation.org is wonderful for small churches - it is adaptable and affordable."
- Robin Stewart's 40 Day Countdown to Easter Lenten Calendar received high accolades for its adaptability as well as its creativity.
- Suzanne Garcia, a new Supporting Member from the New York City area (Long Island), said she'd love to connect with people doing Workshop Rotation Model in the NYC area for ideas, support, and encouragement. Please reach out to her if you are in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, or that area (or let us know and we will put you in touch with her).
We encourage you to spread the word about the creative resources available here at Rotation.org and invite a friend or fellow teacher to join you at our next Coffee Chat!
We are 100% supported by individuals and churches.