
"Cruising with Paul" (a summer of workshop lessons) --from St John Lutheran

Editor's Note:
This is another good lesson set designed to cover a large part of Paul's "journey" stories over a period of time like a Summer Sunday School.
Look for a similar "Passports with Paul" set posted by Jaymie to mix and match.

Some of the lesson ideas in this and similar sets pull from other workshop ideas already posted.

Cruising with Paul

Our stories this summer revolve around the apostle Paul—some stories are about

 events in his life and other stories are about some of his teachings. We will be going on a “Mediterranean Cruise” (since the areas Paul visited are on the Mediterranean Sea. Every Sunday, we will visit a port and learn one of the Bible stories relating to Paul.

Included below: Introduction and Bible Background.

Since this is a cruise, every student will have a passport (which gives some info about the port, provides a space for a journaling question, and has a spot for a passport stamp). These are the 12 destinations we will be visiting:

Antioch (Computers): Use the “Life of Christ” computer program to learn about where Paul traveled on his various journeys.

  • Bible Passage: Acts 11: 19-26; 13: 1-3
  • Stamp: Compass


Corinth (Games): Play a variety of active games and win prizes. Compare these temporary prizes/crowns to the crown of eternal life.

  • Bible Passage: 1 Cor 9: 24-27
  • Stamp: Crown
  • Lesson not posted (see lesson source below).
  • Lesson Source: Purchased from Cornerstones (Epistles on Location—moved by Spirit)

Damascus (Video/Art):
Watch part of the “Visual Bible: Acts” about Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus and his escape from Damascus by being lowered in a basket over the city walls. Make a simple basket.

  • Bible Passage: Acts 9: 1-25
  • Stamp: Basket

Ephesus (Drama):
Create commercials for the various parts of spiritual armor.

  • Bible Passage: Eph 6: 10-18
  • Stamp: Shield & sword
  • Lesson not posted (see lesson source link below).
  • Lesson Source: Adapted from "Armor of God ~ Dressing for Success by Alicia Schwartz, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Middletown, PA" found at <link>

Galatia (Cooking):
Make a fruit salad while learning about the fruit of the Spirit. Make stamps with poster paint and cut fruit.

  • Bible Passage: Gal 5: 22-26
  • Stamp: platter with fruit
  • Lesson not posted (see lesson source below).
  • Lesson Source: Adapted from a lesson purchased from Cornerstones (Paul: Who Can be a Christian--Eating Your Way Through the Bible).

Jerusalem (Drama 2):
Students play the parts of lawyers, witnesses, judge and jury as the reenact the trial of Paul.

  • Bible Passage: Acts 21:17-23:11 
  • Stamp: Gavel
  • Lesson not posted (see lesson source link below). 
  • Lesson Source: We used "The Trial of Paul-Drama Lesson By Angela Lewter, Children's Ministry Coordinator, Decatur-Trinity Christian Church, Bartlett, Tennessee" found at <link>

Lystra (Puppets):
Use puppets to act out the story of the healing of the crippled man and the crowd’s reaction—first to treat Paul and Barnabas as gods and then try to stone Paul.

  • Bible Passage: Act 14: 8-20
  • Stamp: Crutch

Macedonia (Missions):
Learn about our mission project after we hear about the generosity of the Christians in Macedonia.

  • Bible Passage: 2 Cor 8: 1-5, 10-14
  • Stamp: Giving hands

Malta (Art):
Hear about Paul’s shipwreck and then make paper mosaics of a sailing ship.

  • Bible Passage: Acts 27: 1 – 28: 10
  • Stamp: Wrecked ship
  • Lesson Source: idea from “Listening to God: The Holy Spirit and Paul’s Trip to Rome” by Silverdale United Methodist Church.

Paphos (Science):
Perform various experiments that relate to following God’s true path and not being deceived, as they learned how the sorcerer tried to turn the Roman official away from the faith with deceit and trickery.

  • Bible Passage: Acts 13: 6-12
  • Stamp: Eye

Pisidian Antioch (Games 2):
Participate in several activities involving flashlights (scavenger hunt, flashlight tag) as they learn how Paul was a light to the Gentiles.

  • Bible Passage: Acts 13: 13-52
  • Stamp: Candle

Rome (Storytelling/Art):
Create stationery as they learn about the many letters that Paul wrote while in prison in Rome.

  • Bible Passage: Acts 28: 11-16, 30-31
  • Stamp: Scroll
  • Lesson not posted (see lesson source below). 
  • Lesson Source: purchased from Cornerstones (Epistles on Location: Bedouin Encampment)


[Update 2016: In the past year or so, the founders of Cornerstones retired. Their website and materials are no longer available. ]

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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