Big Action Bible Skits, Author: Christine Yount, Group Publishing, 1995, ISBN: 1559452587 (OUT OF PRINT)
Description: - Here's instant Bible drama, with the flip of a switch,and ready to go on a minutes notice you and your overhead projector will have children acting out and learning 10 favorite Old Testament stories! Skits include...Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, The Fall of Jericho, Samson and Delilah, David and Goliath, and five more! Use these lively skits during Sunday school, children's church, retreats, camps, vacation Bible school, devotions anywhere you want children to experience and remember God's Word!
Big Action Bible Skits
Skit 1: Adam and Eve
Skit 2: Noah and the Ark
Skit 3: Moses and the Exodus
Skit 4: The Fall of Jericho
Skit 5: Samson and Delilah
Skit 6: David and Goliath
Skit 7: Esther
Skit 8: The Fiery Furnace
Skit 9: Daniel in the Lions? Den
Skit 10: Jonah and the Big Fish
Color Transparencies (The Scenery!)
Transparency 1: Wooded Setting
Transparency 2: Animals
Transparency 3: Water
Transparency 4: People
Transparency 5: City
Transparency 6: Pillars and Walls
Transparency 7: Road
Transparency 8: Soldiers
Big Action Bible Skits New Testament
Authors: Christine Yount, Jim Hawley, Group Publishing, 1998, ISBN: 0764420623 (OUT OF PRINT)
Description: - Here are 12 delightful scripts of New Testament stories complete with 8 colorful transparency backdrops. You get instant bible drama that's easy, fun, and puts everyone in the spotlight with the flip of an overhead projector.
Big Action Bible Skits
Skit 1: The Birth of Jesus
Skit 2: John the Baptist
Skit 3: Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
Skit 4: Jesus Brings a Young Girl Back to Life
Skit 5: The Prodigal Son
Skit 6: Jesus Walks on Water
Skit 7: Zacchaeus
Skit 8: Peter?s Denial
Skit 9: Jesus? Death
Skit 10: Jesus Is Alive
Skit 11: The Ethiopian Eunuch
Skit 12: Shipwrecked
Color Transparencies (The Scenery!)
Transparency 1: Road
Transparency 2: Mountain
Transparency 3: Water
Transparency 4: House
Transparency 5: Garden
Transparency 6: Palace
Transparency 7: City
Transparency 8: Desert/Beach