
Reply to "SOFTWARE DESCRIPTIONS and DOCS: Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game, Bongo Loves the Bible, Let's Talk, Fall of Jericho"

Software: Bongo Loves the Bible

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Bongo's Game Guide (also included in the download) Includes game maps. Additional "helps" can be found in the download's Help folder.

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Bongo Loves the Bible is one of Sunday Software's most beloved games. It features 8 different games "about the Bible" set in a jungle, cave, and canyon landscape through which students navigate "Bongo" the Bible-loving orangutan. It's games include: "Basic Bible Knowledge" quiz-games, a game about "What is the Bible and Why Do We Need It," "Books of the Bible," and "How the Bible Came to Be,"


Age Range: Grade 3 to 8. Bongo is a computer "video" game with Bible content and occasionally challenging game-y gameplay. It requires the ability to follow instructions, solve puzzles (such as figuring out which direction to avoid being rock-rolled and how to jump from one book to another). Scripture pop-ups and other messages pop up to reward, encourage, teach, and direct, thus players need to be able to read. The "Knows the Bible" game was designed for students with some basic knowledge or interest in the Bible, and will also serve as a fun way to gauge how well your students know their Bible basics.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and 11.


Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.




Players collect bonus items during and at the end of each game to improve their score. Answering all questions correctly in the Bongo "Knows" the four Bible knowledge games is required to complete the game and they can try as many time as needed. Fewer tries = higher score!  Player names and scores for all the games are recorded on a scoreboard seen at the end of each game.

Tip: Press Alt+S to save your progress in a game. Press Alt+S to load a previously saved game and continue where you left off. The saved game screen only shows images of where in the game you were when you pressed save. To help kids later remember which image (saved location) is theirs, have them write down which "slot" they saved their game to (such as: "third row, second image").  See more game play tips in the Guide!!


Images (7)
  • bongo-newlogo
  • Bongo-Bananas
  • mceclip1
  • b-jesus
  • mceclip0
  • BongoBooks
  • BongoNeedsGems
Files (1)
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