Software: Jesus in Space!
Link to the Downloadable Zip File
Guide and Outline to Jesus in Space
Lessons at that use this software:
- (WT) Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper --a Computer Workshop Lesson
- (WT) Meeting Jesus on the Road to Emmaus ~ Computer Workshop Lesson
- Jesus and John the Baptist ~ lesson outline
Jesus in Space has three complete lessons: The Baptism of Jesus, The Last Supper, and The Road to Emmaus. In each lesson students hear, see, and interact with the story. The learning includes activities about the (ecumenical) meaning of Baptism, Communion, and how we see and share Jesus today.
Capt Paul, Lt. Stu, and Shelbot the overly brainy robot travel to different planets for each "mission" aboard the Starship Tarsus. One of the features of software from Sunday Software is a sense of humor, often poignantly so. Jesus in Space imagines how aliens on other planets would imagine how Jesus looked on their planet. Thus, on the planet "Vet" (the ocean planet) the story of Jesus and John the Baptist takes place underwater. On planet "Whammo" Jesus and the disciples are robots. And on "Ice Moon Alpha," Jesus and the disciples are snow and ice creatures. These ideas also cue some of the story activities in which students re-interpret the story using words and images from the planet where the learning takes place. The result is a memorable lesson that's fun, and one that students will want to play again.
Activities include retelling the story, playing games about subjects in the story, and answering questions that pop up. Highlights include a special game about the connection between the Passover Seder, Last Supper, and Communion, and a fun "Baptism Pipes" game with a quiz about the (ecumenical) meaning and practice of Baptism. Each "mission" takes about 20-25 minutes to complete and offers many navigational options to skip forward and back.
View a short video clip preview of Jesus in Space
Age Range: Optimally grades 2-7, Jesus in Space can also be selectively used with non-readers who have help. The program can be used in a workstation or lab setting or shown as a presentation to a group with students called forward to help with navigation.
System: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 -only.
Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.