Software: The Prodigal Son
Link to the Downloadable Zip File
Outline and Teaching Guide (also included in the download). It includes helpful tech notes.
The guide has a lesson plan in it. A similar one was also posted at in the Prodigal Son forum. The Writing Team has created a lesson plan for it along with a VIDEO OVERVIEW of the program.
The Prodigal Son software has four learning areas:
1. Luke 15 - Students select onscreen text to view a narrated video of the story, and view/discuss animated study notes that explain the imagery, concepts, and vocabulary of the story. The retelling of the story is word-for-word from the NRSV, The actors in the video are a real farm family and the video was shot on their real farm.
2. SonTV has 3 channels:
- Channel 1: The story retold in a wonderful music video.
- Channel 2: Explore the very similar Jesus parables of "The Workers in the Vineyard" (Matthew 20) and "The Two Sons in the Vineyard" (Matthew 21)
- Channel 3: Discussion Questions for digging deeper.
3. Letters --a life-application/reflection activity where students practice the language of apology and forgiveness. See the important tech note in the Guide about this section.
4. Prodigal Fun --a bouncy pig game!
Age Range: Ages 5 to 12. Non-readers and early readers will need some help.
System: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 . BE SURE you have QuickTime 7.7.9 for Windows installed before installing this program. It’s a free download at
Learn how to make this program fill more of your computer screen by making a simple adjustment in your Windows Display setting.
Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.
The interactive Bible study found in the Prodigal Son software features a re-enactment of the parable on a modern farm featuring a real farm family.
Students click on verses to hear them and see them presented. Clickable icons and words in the verses open up narrated and illustrated study notes explaining concepts. Follow-up questions and life application abound.