
Reply to "DRAMA & PUPPET Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Joseph's Story"


Shadow Drama Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:
In this workshop, the learners will act out different parts of the story, using their own shadows to communicate the story. Stories covered are: Slave in Charge, Thrown into Prison, The Meaning of Dreams, Pharaoh & Joseph, Ruler, Brothers, Benjamin, Silver Cup, Family Reunion.


Genesis 37, 39-46

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Read the bible story and background materials.
  • Gather the supplies.
  • Read over the lesson and know how to use the camera.
  • If unfamiliar with Shadow Drama check out's SHADOW DRAMA, SHADOW PLAYS - HOW TO & RESOURCES
  • White sheet and a way to hang it
  • Bright light
  • video camera or iphone (charged up)
  • Bibles and Bible Story Book (we used The Children's Bible in 365 Stories, by Mary Batchelor)
  • chair
  • bags (can use garbage bags)
  • bucket (to pour grain)
  • Joseph’s cup (can make one by using large plastic butter tub for top, large plastic soft drink cup for bottom, bolt or glue bottom to bottom-paint silver if using for a regular drama)
  • Optional: CD player & CD of background music.



Greet the children and introduce yourself. Tell them what they will be learning today.
Say a prayer for today's lesson.

Scripture - Where in the Bible?

Tell them the story of Joseph can be found in the bible in the first book, called Genesis. It's a long story and covers several chapters. Read the story from the Bible or from The Children’s Bible (stories 35-43). Tell the children that they will be acting out these stories with their shadows.

Discuss the stories using the following questions:

  • Have you ever wished you could change something you had done, and perhaps do it all over another way? Do you think Joseph’s brothers ever thought about having sold Joseph as a slave?
  • What feelings do you believe Joseph had for his brothers when he first saw them?
  • How would you feel if you were Joseph?
  • Why do you think Joseph didn’t reveal himself immediately?
  • How do you think Benjamin felt when he was held in Egypt? Do you think this was fair of Joseph to do? Why do you think Joseph did what he did? (Why do you think he framed Benjamin?)
  • How was Joseph able to forgive his brothers? Do you think Jacob was able to forgive Joseph’s brothers?
  • Has there been a time in your life you have had to forgive someone in your family? Share with the group. Was it difficult to do? Why did you do it/ did you not do it?

Act it out!

Review the breakdown of stories from The Children's Bible in 365 Stories (Slave in Charge, Thrown into Prison, The Meaning of Dreams, Pharaoh & Joseph, Ruler, Brothers, Benjamin, Silver Cup, and Family Reunion.)

Ask the children which story they would like to perform.

Have the children act between the overhead projector (the light source) and the sheet (the screen).

For the younger children you, or another adult, may wish to read the story as they act.

For the older children you may wish to play some background music as they act. Encourage them to be silent as they act.

Videotape (or allow another adult to video) the shadow play.

If there is time, watch the video on the camera playback.

If there is still time, have the children act out a different story from today’s reading.


Assemble the children in a circle holding hands. Together say a prayer of confession. Have each child ask God to forgive something related to their family in the following format:

“Dear God forgive my family for _______________.” At the end offer the following prayer: “Thank you God for the forgiveness you have given to each of us when we ask. We are blessed to receive such a wonderful gift. Through Christ Jesus. Amen.”

Since you are in a circle holding hands, you might want to end with a group hug--put your arms around each other and on the count of three take one giant step into the middle of the circle.

Adjustments for youth:

For youth, extend the discussion in the closing session to talk about who our family really is. Youth are at a time in their lives when they are preparing to leave their immediate family and enter the larger family of God. How does that magnify the question of forgiveness? How can we embrace family we do not know? As Christians, how does this story inform how we are to be in the world? What can this story teach us as we prepare to enter the unknown?

A lesson written by Jan Marshall from: Brenthaven Cumberland Pres.
Brentwood, TN

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