Hi Nancy,
When we did the "In the Beginning" by John Cosper, Jr. we followed his script as written at https://www.dramatix.org.nz/ar...es/in_beginning.html.
We did it at an inter-generational service at our church and I pulled people (adults and kids) randomly from the pews. This would also work for VBS.
It involves 21 kids, plus two narrators (teachers).
If you want to increase the number of participants from 21, I would simply add more animals, fish, trees, etc.. So for example if the script calls for two animals, you could do four instead (just print the script and adjust the numbers as desired).
We added some costumes, for our two animals, one got a rubber cat nose and the other a rubber pig nose, and those where the animal sounds they made. With additional animals you would just do the same. (Some simple costumes are an adaption I added - see attachment for details.)
In the attachment are my notes from when we did it, that may be of help to you. They contain:
- Props/Costume/Actions Chart
- Additional notes and a short Intro to the skit
- Sign to print - It was Good!
- Layout of where to position participants. I wrote up cards and taped to the floor so as narrator I could quickly see where to place people. If any props or costumes were involved they were also place by the cards when setting up. We did this at the front of our church so were able to do layers of participants using the choir loft, so everyone could be seen easily by the audience. But, it would still give you an idea of placement even if you did it on a stage.
I would also incorporate Neil's email suggestion, which is a good one. He said, "The only thing that seems missing from the Dramatix script is a modicum of reflection or meaning, which I would look to add if I were doing it."
Any questions on the attachment let me know.
Hope this helps.