Preschool Script
(With mainly narrator for younger kids.)
And God Planted a Garden
Narrator, God, Adam, Eve, Serpent
Stuffed animals, apple.
Our story starts long ago, when God first made with the heavens and the earth.
There were no green plants yet because there hadn’t been any rain. There were no people yet dig up the soil and plant the seeds and do the work that goes into helping plants grow.
From the soil of the ground, God formed the first human, whose name was Adam.
And God planted a garden in Eden in the east. He put Adam there.
Then from the ground, God make all kinds of trees grow — ones that are beautiful and ones like apple trees that have good food to eat.
In the very middle of the garden were two special trees. The tree of life. And the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden.
Then God said to Adam,
"Go ahead and eat from any tree in the garden. All except the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
God knew Adam would be pretty lonely. He would need a best friend. Somebody to talk to. Somebody to help him look after the garden.
Then God made all the animals of the fields, and birds of the air. God brought them all to Adam to see what he would call them. But none of the new creatures seemed to be the right kind of friend for Adam.
So God made Adam fall into a deep sleep. While he was sleeping, God made a lifelong buddy for Adam, a woman called Eve.
Then Adam and Eve began the work of looking after the animals and the garden.
Everything went along just fine. Until the serpent talked to Eve.
The serpent told her she had nothing to fear. Everything would actually be all right if she ate one of the apples she'd be told not to touch.
Eve was a good person who believed things other people told her. She believed the serpent. So she ate one of the apples from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And she convinced Adam to eat one too.
That was when they figured out there weren't wearing any clothes! (Which was actually okay in those early olden days.) But they got embarrassed and scared and hid from God.
Then God came to the garden for a visit. God wasn't real thrilled that they did what they'd been asked not to, and ate the apples that they shouldn’t have.
God was pretty sad. But God had to tell them they couldn't live in the garden any more.
So together Adam and Eve left the beautiful Garden of Eden and went to a new home. But God stayed with them.
-the end-
Preschool Script for the Drama Workshop, Garden of Eden Rotation © 2004, LD McKenzie (adapted from the NRSV).