Adam and Eve Worship Drama
The following Drama script was posted by Neil MacQueen.
It's a creative retelling of the Adam and Eve story he created for use in WORSHIP. Neil adapted it from the script he used to create the Story of Adam and Eve from his Awesome Bible Stories CD.
Eve = a man playing Eve with a screeching Miss Piggy style voice.
Adam = a woman playing a dumb man.
God = a deep voice speaking calmly and closely into the microphone.
Narrator = a Yiddish-sounding man.
NARR: According to Genesis, God made a beautiful garden, with fruits trees and a river running through it full of trout. In that garden he also placed the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then God made a man from the dirt, breathed life into him and put him in that garden, saying, it’s all you can eat Adam, except from that tree over there. Do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Leave it alone.
Adam: Okey dokey God. No problem. You can count on me.
God: Yeah, right.
NARR: Seeing that Adam was lonely, God made him go to sleep. He took a rib from the Adam’s side and made a woman named Eve from it to be Adam’s companion. They were naked --but not embarrassed because they didn’t know anything naughty yet.
Eve: Hello, my name is Eve, what’s yours?
Adam: Whoa huh hoa! (wolf whistle) Uh, actually, I’m not quite sure.
NARR: Some time later, a serpent approached Eve and said,
Serpent: You know the Knowledge of Evil tree? It is ok to eat from it.
NARR: To which Eve replied,
Eve: I don’t think so!
Serpent: O sure, eat from it and you’ll understand good and evil and become just like God.
Eve: Well, ok, if you say so. ADAM! (full scream) Where are you?
Come here. I have some tasty new fruit.
NARR: And as they both ate the forbidden fruit, they suddenly became aware that they were naked,
(Adam and Eve: “yikes)
So they dove in the bushes to cover themselves with fig leaves.
Eve: Ouch
Adam: That’s scratchy
Eve: Stop looking at me that way.
Adam: What way?
Eve: You know what way, Mr.
NARR: A little while later, God came walking through the garden in the cool evening breeze.
God: Adam, Eve, where are you? ....Adam! Eve?
NARR: Of course, God, being all-knowing, knew EXACTLY where they were, AND what they had done!
Adam: We’re here God. But we were afraid to show our faces.
God: Afraid? Afraid of what? You didn’t eat from the tree of good and evil did you?
Adam: Uh, yeah, but it was Eve, ...SHE gave it to me!
Eve: Uh, it was the serpent, HE tricked me! (crying: waaahhh)
NARR: But God was not so easily fooled. First God got mad at the serpent.
God: ...and furthermore you shall crawl on your belly forever more.
NARR: And then God got mad at Adam and Eve,
God: and as for you two, it’s thorns, thistles, and labor pains for you from here on out.
NARR: And God threw them out of the Garden of Eden to live difficult lives.
Adam: Taxes? What is this about taxes?
Eve: You say a baby is going to come out of WHERE?!!!
NARR: And he placed an angel with a flaming sword at the garden entrance to keep them from coming back. Hoo boy, that must have been some sight!
Now, you might think that was a rather harsh thing for God to do, --getting mad and throwing them out. But just before he did it, God made some fur clothes for them.
And about a thousand pages later, Jesus came and died on a cross as a sign of God’s forgiveness to the descendants of Adam and Eve. And he promised them a new Garden called the Kingdom of God. BUT, that’s another story....
Copyright 2004, Neil MacQueen. Adapted from Sunday Software's Awesome Bible Stories CD.
This reader's script is a slightly modified version of the narration script used in Awesome Bible Stories CD's Adam & Eve Story (Sunday Software). Permission granted for local congregational use provided that the copyright info is included with it.
I modified the script for use in a worship service as the scripture reading, but it can be used for drama/skit as well. I recommend a male read Eve's part in a "Miss Piggy voice," and a female read Adam's part as a "dumb jock." It's funny when you do it that way.