The Fall - Adam and Eve
Storytelling "Press Conference" Workshop
This lesson is a bit of a sketch. Adapt and fill out as needed.
After reading the story, students "interview" the story characters in a press conference. You may want to have older kids/teens/adults pretend to be the characters, and let the rest of the students come up with questions for each character IN ADVANCE working as a group. Or, you could submit the questions to your four characters, let them work out each character's answers, and then put on the press conference.
Teacher Preparation:
- Read the scripture passages and attend the Faith Quest Leaders Bible Study.
- (Optional). Obtain a video camera to record the “press conference”. Be sure to capture the children asking their questions.
- Prepare a prayer for the end of class that ties in the lesson concepts.
- Gather the materials.
Supply List:
- Costumes for the 4 main characters.
- Prop microphone
- 2 or 3 chairs for the press conference with an optional table.
- A cloth-covered table with glasses of water for each character will make the press conference look more authentic.
- Cellphone or Video Camera for recording the press conference, and a TV or screen to replay the recorded conference. Make sure you have cables to connect your device to the TV or screen.
Lesson Plan
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Tell them what they'll be doing today and what you hope they'll learn.
Scripture/Bible Story
- Ask the children to find Genesis 3 in their Bibles. Make sure all the children are able to locate Genesis 3. Have the shepherds assist the children having trouble.
- Once all the children have located the passage, read it together as a group. They may take turns reading or you can read it to them.
- Act out this short story to give the children visual memory of the passage. Assign a teacher/assistant to each of the following characters:
- Adam
- Eve
- The snake
- God
After the presentation of the story, hold a ‘press conference’ with Adam, Eve and the Snake.
Give the children a prop microphone, and have them think of a question that they would like to ask one of these characters in the story.
Record it on a cellphone so you can play it back after the interview and discuss answers further.
See the suggested interview questions at the end of this lesson.
Have children ask their question by stating their name and the name of the character that the question is for, followed by the question. Then have them pass the microphone to another child. See below for sample questions and answers. Once each child has asked a question, allow all remaining questions.- Watch the Video
- Close with Prayer
Thank God for being like a parent to us, by giving us the freedom to make choices, and continuing to love us when we make bad choices.
Characters & Costumes
Adam & Eve
Costumes: Use Leather coats/jackets (“Then the Lord God made clothes out of animal skins for the man and his wife” Genesis 3:21) or Hawaiian shirts (representing the Garden of Eden).
Persona: The characters of Adam and Eve should be generally thankful that God still loves and cares for them after their sin. Adam may blame Eve, and Eve may blame the snake, but this should not be the central theme of the conference. Adam and Eve are imperfect like all humans.
Costume: Bright, wild, clashing clothes with sunglasses.
Persona: Character traits like a used car salesman will be humorous to the children. The snake might feel that his punishment was too severe. After all, he didn’t make them eat the apple, and simply presented a different viewpoint to Eve. God did not destroy the snake, however, and the snake can argue that it still serves a useful role to humans by eating rodents.
It may be best to simply represent God in voice. If a costume is used, an all-white garment could be worn. God is not concerned about placing blame but is concerned about judging in order that life, freedom and relationships may be restored in creation.
Sample Q & A for Press Conference
If the children have difficulty coming up with questions, some of these questions may be given to them. The answers should attempt to present one of the lesson concepts, but should be answered in an upbeat and interesting manner.
Q: Eve, why did you listen to the snake, and ignore God’s rule regarding eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden?
Eve: The temptation was too great. The fruit looked yummy, and the snake convinced me into wanting the wisdom that God had.
Q: Snake, were you trying to get Adam and Eve into trouble?
Snake: No, no, no. I simply gave Eve a different perspective on God’s rule. It was their decision to actually take a bite from the fruit. Perhaps I tempted them just a little.
Q: Adam, you were there and might have seen all of this happening. Why didn’t you stop Eve from eating the fruit?
Adam: Well, the Bible doesn’t actually say that I saw Eve eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. I guess I figured that if Eve could eat the fruit, then I could eat the fruit.
Q: Do you feel that your punishment from God was fair?
Adam: We sinned, and we were punished. There is always a consequence for sinning, and I am very thankful that God still loves and cares for us. God created us, God judges us, and God loves us.
Eve: I agree with Adam. I’m not thrilled about painful childbirth, but the punishment could have been much worse. God could have abandoned us.
Snake: I was framed! I certainly don’t deserve to crawl on my belly and eat dirt the rest of my days for a little temptation. I guess it could be worse to be a worm, though.
Q: Adam and Eve, why did you hide from God when he came looking for you?
Adam: After eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, I knew that I had sinned. I was also naked, and didn’t want God to see me naked. I felt ashamed and embarrassed.
Eve: It wasn’t easy to talk to God after disobeying Him. I thought he would be angry with us, and I was frightened.
Q: Did you think that you could hide your sin from God?
Adam: I guess we did, but God is all knowing and all loving He knew right away that we had eaten fruit from the forbidden tree. It might have been better to admit our mistake right away, and asked for forgiveness.
Q: Snake, why don’t snakes talk anymore?
A: We’re too busy crawling on the ground and eating dirt. It’s impolite to talk with your mouth full.
Q: God, if you had it to do all over again, would you have given Adam and Eve "free will"? Or not? And why?
Q: Adam and Eve, how would your lives be different if you could never make mistakes?
Q: Adam and Eve, how does it feel knowing God is with you even after he threw you out of the Garden? What does that tell you about God?
A lesson sketch from the Kirk of Kildaire, Cary NC