Original posting by member Nancy Fidler
I was stumped looking for a puppet skit until I found Fishers of Kids, an archive of puppet skits and drama skits -- all available as free downloads. Some of them were a bit "evangelical" for me but that's okay... you just need to adjust for your own flavor. You can view the puppet and drama script menu at http://www.fishersofkids.com/view.htm
The Drama scripts have two types: "Joshua" and "Nerd" script sets.
- Joshua Skits
Joshua Skits are family situation skits, with a little boy named Joshua, who is just like any other Christian boy or girl you might know. He loves God with all of his heart, and he knows the Bible, but just like all little children, he needs to learn to do what the Bible says. Joshua is a little kid, and therefore helps the kids in your class to relate with what you are teaching. Josh, Sis, and Billy (Josh's friend) all talk wike wittow kids (like little kids) and Billy always spits when he says a word that has a letter "P" in it. Many times, Josh's Heart talks to him, and helps him out. When Josh's Heart talks, it is someone behind the stage that talks just like Josh, but in a deeper voice.” - Nerd Skits
These are my favorite skits, as well as the kids'. They are skits where you can just be silly, and have fun, yet the kids will learn a ton. Most of the Nerd Skits are in two different formats, Modern Day Bible Stories, and skit series.
Modern Day Bible stories are just that, we dress as Nerds, and have rewritten the Bible story to modern times. This is a fun and powerful way to reinforce the Bible story in our lesson.The others are a series of skits to show the meaning behind a concept. We normally do the skit four times, three times incorrect (or what not to do), and the last one correct (what to do). One of the ways of learning is to find out what not to do, the negative. God uses the negative often. Eight of the ten have the words thou shalt not. The Bible is filled with negative stories, that God uses to teach us what is correct.
Both of the above two categories are found at http://www.fishersofkids.com/skits.htm