The play "Three Wise Dudes" John McNeil, may be found at the following web site:
Here is a direct link to the free script. (There is a German version of the script at the link also.)
This play seeks to answer the question: If Jesus were born today, where would we find the baby?
Member Jan wrote in reply:
This past Sunday we had our teen group do the play "The Three Wise Dudes" from the dramatix website, and we followed it with a reading of a wonderful book, and we followed your suggestion with the jewels. After class, one of the parents came to us with this story: Her eight-year old daughter was so taken with the play and the book that she asked her parents to help her find ways to use her "riches" to give to Jesus!
Thank you so much for your contribution. It really touched at least one of God's little ones. God bless you,