
Reply to "DRAMA, PUPPET, STORYTELLING Workshop Lessons & Ideas ...Baptism/John the Baptist"

John The Baptist

The Book of Acts” – Drama Workshop
Grades 1-6

Memory Verse:

Matthew 3:3b “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.”

Scripture Reference:
Matt. 3:1-15, Mark 1:2-11,14,15, Luke 1:5-25, 59-80; 3:1-20, John 1:6-9, 19-37

Lesson Objectives:
The children will learn that:

  • John the Baptist is the last of the Old Testament Prophets
  • John was Jesus’ cousin
  • John is the messenger sent from God to tell of Jesus’ coming.
  • John lived an unusual life
  • We remember John during Advent, the season before Christmas.

 Supplies List:

  • Costume and Wig for John the Baptist
  • PREPARE HIS WAY! MAKE STRAIGHT THE PATHS! , written in large letters on a sign.

Leader Preparation:

  • Gather the materials.
  • Read the scripture ahead of time.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Welcome the children and the shepherd as they arrive. Say: We are continuing with the theme, “Come Join the Circle,” and the character that is joining the circle this month is John the Baptist, the last Old Testament Prophet. Do you know what a prophet is? (Someone that can tell the future, knows what is going to happen, or something like that.) Well, John was Jesus’ cousin and knows that Jesus is the Savior of the world. But before we begin the story let’s join together in a word of prayer.

Dear God, we ask that you be with us today as we learn about John the Baptist and how he spread the word about his cousin, Jesus. Help us to learn to know what it is to repent of our sins. And all God’s children say, “AMEN.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Read Story: Camel’s Hair and Honey
(If you have a costume for John the Baptist, ask someone if they would like to wear it.
That person could stand in the front and be the leader when it’s time for the children to say their line.)
Say: This is the first Sunday of December and it is also the first Sunday in Advent. Advent is a time when we prepare for Jesus’ coming, his birth at Christmas time.
We are to prepare, to get ready, change our way of living, stop doing bad things and do good things. Think about the REAL meaning of Christmas. We are going to read the story about John the Baptist together. He is God’s messenger and like many of God’s prophets he dressed differently and spoke in a strong manner. John the Baptist dressed like the old prophet, Elijah, in camel’s hair and ate foods of the desert, like bugs and honey. I will read 2 lines of the story and then you read your part all together. Let’s practice your part. Say it boldly and in rhythm.


Continue story: Read the first 2 lines of story and then have children say their line.
Read the next 2 lines and have children say their line. Repeat until story is done.

This is a very short 15 minute class time. If you should have time after the story, ask them some questions about the story. What did John wear? What did he eat? Do you think those things were important to John? Ask them how many Sundays are in Advent. (4) Why do we have Advent? ((To prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming. To change our lives if need be.) How was John related to Jesus? (cousin) What do you think he meant, “to make his paths straight?” (Change your way of living, repent, share your food and clothing, etc.) If you have lots of time, repeat the story.


Dear God, thank you for sending your messenger, John the Baptist, to remind us to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of your son, Jesus. Help us to repent of our sins and do good things every day. We also wait for you to come again. In Jesus’ name we pray. And all God’s children say, AMEN.


  • Camel’s Hair and Honey by Jeffrey E. Burkart, ARCH Books, Concordia Publishing House, 2000. ISBN 0-570-07567-X
  • Lesson taken from ARCH Book, Camels Hair and Honey


Adapted by Kathy from: Augustana Church, St. James, MN

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