Drama, Puppet, and Storytelling Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Empty Tomb and Resurrection.
Post your Sunday School drama, puppet, and storytelling lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Empty Tomb and Resurrection.
- Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc.
- Photos are much appreciated! Click "attachments" and upload to your post.
- Please be careful not to post copyrighted materials. Excerpting and paraphrasing is okay. Include attribution.
Including: Jesus, Stone rolled away, angels, He is risen, Mary Magdalene, Women at tomb, and related stories. Matthew 28:1-18, Mark 16, John 20:1-18, Luke 24, resurrection, etc.
Bible lessons for the Empty Tomb and Resurrection -with Drama, puppets, scripts, skits, acting, newsroom, etc.