
Reply to "DRAMA, PUPPET, STORYTELLING Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Trial and Crucifixion"

Trial and Crucifixion
A Photo Drama Workshop


Students will pose scenes from the story to create a display of "Photos Taken at the Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus."  Emphasis is on the emotion and reactions found in the story and our own. A set of 10 "captions" that tell the story is provided as a PDF in the lesson. These captions recount a kid-friendly version of the Mark 14 story of Christ's Trial and Crucifixion.

Scripture Reference:

Mark 14:43-15:47 (see attached PDF)

Leader Preparation:

  • Gather costumes and props needed for drama activity.
  • For older grades, you may want to make a copy of the script.
  • Label three areas around the stage as: Bethany, Mary and Martha’s Home, The Tomb

Materials List:

  • Download an print several copies of the Story in Ten Photos PDF (attached to the lesson)
  • Props
  • Costumes
  • Digital Camera/cellphone to record the drama (a tripod will also come in handy to hold the picture still!)
  • A TV or Screen that you can connect and show the photos on during class time.
  • A Printer for printing the photos afterward to make the display.

Lesson Plan


Welcome the children and explain that today you will be creating photos that tell the story of Jesus’ trial and Crucifixion. The pictures will be put together to create a storybook.

Study and Take Photos:

Read the Story Photo Captions to the students (or have students read them), then go back to Photo 1 and quickly pose and photograph it. Take several photos if needed. Emphasize emotions/reactions/attitudes.


Review all the photos, having different students read the "captions" (the sections in the script) for each photo.

Follow up with questions and additional insights. In particular, ask students how they would have "felt" and "reacted" in those particular scenes, and what was going through Jesus' mind -- especially his feelings about people.

Note that the disciples and friends of Jesus were afraid and not very prominent in these scenes, but many were there watching.

Ask: "How do you think Jesus felt seeing his friends hiding their faces and not speaking up?"

Ask: "How do you think Jesus feels about US when we don't stick up for him, feel embarrassed to say we follow him, or embarrassed to tell others "we go to church" ??

Conclude with a prayer THANKING JESUS for forgiving all of us, including those of us who hide our faith and sometimes mock him by the way we live our lives.  Thank Jesus for forgiving the soldiers, the criminals, PIlate, and all the rest, even the crowd that shouted "Crucify Him."

You can assign individual students to each "Photo" in the script to look for the name of "someone to be forgiven" in the section of the script/story and turn that into their prayer. (Yes, Jesus forgave Judas, Caiaphas, that's the point of the cross!  We don't deserve it. In fact, we don't deserve the life God has given us because we have not lived up to God's expectations for us, but Jesus came to save, not condemn.)

Originally posted by Jaymie Derden from: State Street UMC, Bristol, VA  and modified/updated by a member of the Content Team


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