
Reply to "DRAMA, PUPPET, STORYTELLING Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Wedding at Cana"


Jesus Turns Water into Wine at the Wedding in Cana 

A Puppet Skit Lesson 


Summary of Lesson Activities:

Water to Wine Puppet Skit:"CANA RAP"

Scripture Reference:
John 2:1-11 (NIV and Children's Adventure Bible)

Memory Verse:
"I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of me. In this world you will have trouble. But, cheer up! I have won the battle over the world!"

Lesson Objective:

  • Children will watch a puppet skit about Jesus turning water to wine.
  • Children will discuss the importance of Jesus’ miracles.


Supply List:

  • Narrator/Servant puppet
  • Mary puppet
  • Jesus puppet
  • Master of the banquet puppet
  • 6 baby food jars (painted brown) or no-handle mugs

Leader Preparation:

  • Gather the materials.
  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Go over the script.




Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.


Open with a prayer.


Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Lesson 1


1. Read John 2:1-11 and ask the following questions:

a. Who was with Jesus at the wedding? (his disciples and his mother, Mary)


b. What problem came up? (They ran out of wine. Help the students understand that in that day and culture wine was not just a party beverage, but they drank it regularly with their meals like we might drink water or milk. The water was often not safe to drink, but the wine’s fermentation killed bacteria—and of course they had no refrigerators for keeping milk safe. Running out of wine, then, meant for many reasons that the party was over!)


c. What did Jesus do about it? (turned the water into wine)


d. Why do you think he did it?  Was it just to help the guests or obey his mommy?


(Jesus rarely did anything like this that was "just a miracle". He spent his ministry GIVING SIGNS --teaching people that the Kingdom of God was coming and here. His miracles revealed who HE was and what people could expect from God. 


A lot of people expected the Messiah to return as a Military Commander and do battle against the Romans. What is Jesus saying by turning water into wine, instead of going to battle?


d. How did the wine taste? (v. 10—better than the original wine!)


e. What do you think Jesus was trying to TELL THEM by turning the water into wine and making it BETTER than the original?   (God was doing something awesome, sweet! and joyful in their midst.)


Imagine you are at a party and Jesus shows up. What could he change at YOUR party to signal the joy of the coming of the Messiah and God's Kingdom?   (What would he turn your chips and soda into?)



2. Perform the skit.  Review the script (below) with the children and let them suggest changes.


Reviewing the rules for puppets:
• No playing silly with them
• No fighting with them.
• Treat them with respect


Have students choose their puppet. Remind them how to hold the heads of the puppets and move their mouths.  Quickly go over the script and work on "blocking" the action --where puppets appear and what they do.  Then perform the script with the puppets.


TIP: Performing on a real puppet stage will focus their energies towards getting it right. Rehearsing this and then performing it for a YOUNGER GRADE will also help focus their efforts.


Notice that the script RHYMES and should be recited in a sing-song way.



End with a prayer.

Script: The Cana Rap

Master of the banquet

6 plastic jars  

(Servant puppet pops up.)


A wedding is coming! It’s happening today!
I’m the busiest servant, I really must say!

Everyone in Cana will be here, it’s true.
And I’ve got so much to finish and do.

(Jesus and Mary pop up.)


Well, look there is Mary and Jesus her son.
He brought all his buddies. I hope they have fun.

Voice (offstage):

Hey, Servant, be quick, the wine has run out!


No wine?! Keep it down. You don’t have to shout.

If we’re all out of wine, then the party is done.
But lucky there's Mary, and Jesus, her son.


The wine is all gone? And the feast just began!
We'll think of something. We’ll do what we can.

Jesus, my boy, can you help with the wine?


Mary, Dear mother, this is not my time.


Pish-posh. Servant-boy, here’s what you do:
Do whatever my son Jesus tells you to do.

(Mary exits.)


Here are six jars used for hand washing.


Fill them with water—to the top ‘til they’re sloshing. 

(Servant exits and returns with jars.)


Now draw some out and take it to your master.



I’ll be as quick as I can—no servant is faster! 

(Master pops up. He takes a drink.)





Why this is delicious! I’ve never had wine so good.
You saved the best for last. I didn’t think that you would!

(Master exits.)

Servant: (to Jesus)


That was amazing! A miracle! A wonder!
You’ve given me a lot in my head I must ponder!


It was a miracle for sure, that much is true.

But it's only the beginning of what I will do.

For the Kingdom I've come, God's will to be done.

A Feast of Forgiveness, and souls to be won.




I’m dazed by your glory. You’ve revealed it—it’s plain-a.
I’m so glad you showed up to our wedding in Cana!



And that's the first miracle by Jesus in John.

But there's many more coming, as the Kingdom Son dawns.



You are water, get ready! for this is the hour,

When you can be changed by miraculous power.


My Kingdom is coming and soon drawing near.

God party has started, and your invitation's right here.



"The End!



A lesson posted by member Abby Rosser from: North Blvd Church of Christ,

Murfreesboro, TN


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