
Reply to "Drama Stage and Scenery Ideas and Resources"

Esther's Purple Throne Room on a Budget

And a quick way to make and hang backdrops for other stories!

throne room

I had seen a really cool "throne room" in Debbie Jackson's Bible Fun for Kids blog ~ Queen Esther but when I looked for her supplies, I found they were no longer available.  This happens a lot!  But other people's set and scenery ideas always inspire to figure out how I can do something similar but more frugally.

tableclothsTHE BACKDROP:
What I came up with was purple plastic tablecloths from the Dollar Store.

I folded over the top of each tablecloth and taped it all the way across to make a pocket to slide over the curtain rods. I hung them from the rod and had my background for about $15 including rods and tablecloths.

Editor's Note:  You can also PAINT a white plastic table cloth or sheet for other backdrops and clip or hang it on the curtain rod for OTHER STORIES.



The thrones presented another problem. We didn’t have any chairs with arms on them in the church. I could not think of what I had at home that I could transport. Then it hit me – folding lawn chairs.

I had a long piece of goldenrod-colored cloth I cut in half to cover the “thrones” with. We also had some shiny gold cloth in our resource room. I just took a short rolling cupboard and covered it with some of the gold cloth to put the crown and scepter on. And voila! I had my throne room - fit for a king, or a queen in this case.

"Gold" cloth comes in handy for many others stories. Ours has been Pharaoh's Robe, the Golden Calf, the Golden Ark, the Rich Younger Ruler, Herod, etc.

throne room

I reused and modified our "Throne Room" set and backdrop when we did the lesson on The Writing on the Wall from Daniel.

Daniel wall hand

1-Kid Frugal Logo [800x318)

Moderator's note: This room design post is from member Joan Eppehimer's KidFrugal blog, which she is sharing here at in order to preserve it for posterity and make it available more widely with our community.  It is part of a large group of lessons and resources that she developed to make "ministry happen when there are no resources to make it happen." Thank you, Joan, for sharing your creativity with our community!

You can read more about Joan and her ministry here.


Images (8)
  • 1-Kid Frugal Logo (800x318)
  • Daniel Wall closed
  • Daniel wall hand
  • TableclothCurtain
  • tableclothHangonRod
  • tablecloths
  • tapeTablecloth
  • throne room
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