Beginning Activity
Say: Today, we are going to be talking about a time that Jesus was tempted. To start our lesson, you are going to get 5 M&M’s on a napkin in front of you.
Pass out napkins and put 5 M&M’s on a napkin in front of each child.
Say: Who thinks it would be good to eat your M&M’s right now? They sure are tempting sitting there in front of you. Well, this is the deal. Listen to the whole thing first. You may eat the M&M’s at any time during our lesson BUT if you have M&M’s left on your napkin at the end of the lesson, you will get MORE M&M’s. If you have 5 left, you will get 5 more. If you have 2 left, you will get 2 more. If you don’t have any left, you won’t get any more. The choice is yours. You get to decide how many of the M&M’s you will eat and your neighbor gets to decide how many he or she will eat.
(This is the “real-life” application for the kids of what it means to be tempted. Let the kids do what they choose but do not bring up the M&M’s again until the end of the lesson.) Continue on with lesson about Jesus in the Wilderness.