September 2020 @
"At-Home" Lessons from our Writing Team
These "at-home" lessons are shorter and a bit simpler than what our Team normally writes so that they can EASILY be used by families and by classes that are restarting with social-distancing, shorter class times, and more broadly-graded classes.
Peter Sinks ~ Jesus Saves! Just Added to our At-Home Lessons
5 creative lessons for at-home and at-church. The disciples know all about uncertainty, doubt, and fear -- and that's what makes this story so timely. Where do we put our trust? This set is open to our Supporting Members.
Coming Next Week: Five creative lessons about the Ten Commandments for families and intergenerational learning. Watch your inbox for the announcement.
Jesus Is Born - Easy At-Home Advent and Christmas Lessons for Families open to everyone
Christian Music Videos for At-Home Discussion with Older Children and Youth open to everyone
See all the "At Home" lessons available at
Fewer than 10% of Our Members' Sunday Schools Have Re-opened
According to the results of our online survey of our members conducted last month, most Sunday Schools are in a "wait and see" mode.
- See all the survey results and add your comments. Be sure to read Neil MacQueen's summary of the survey results and its implications.
- See's Updated Recommendations for Re-opening Sunday School.
18 free Bible software programs you can give to members of your congregation
This past summer, Sunday Software donated 18 of its titles to the supporting members of with permission to share them with church families. They include Bible story software, Bible games, and a fun scripture memory program.
This month, we're recommending starting with the Elijah and Jonah program. It features FOUR timely & fun interactive lessons about forgiveness, caring for the poor, welcoming the "outsiders," and about being a prophet to people in need.
- Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath ~ God cares about the poor and the outsider
- Elijah, Ahab, and the Still Small Voice ~ God isn't in the fire. God sends help and helpers.
- Elijah Needs Help to Change Things! ~ God sends young Elisha. Will he (you) pick up the mantle?
- Jonah learns that God is about forgiveness, not punishment. God comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable! (Jonah).
Read the software description here.
Supporting Members can download the software and share the download within their church family.
Print this special one-page introduction for parents about the Teaching about the prophets Elijah and Jonah here in this time of challenge and change.