Bible timeline mural in rotation workshop hallway
As noted above, the mural starts at the little kid end of the hallway with Creation. Every Bible story that Goodwood Church of Christ covers in their workshops is included in this hallway, and the lessons include finding the corresponding artwork on the wall. (Their scope/sequence is a six year journey through the Bible, with three years in the Old Testament, two years spent studying the life of Jesus, and one year on Acts and the Epistles.)
Here are some pictures that give you a taste of this massive three-dimensional work of art. (I wish I had thought to take a video to give you a true tour.....)
The mural begins with Noah (you can see a corner of creation across the hall). Note the scroll on the wall at the beginning of the mural, to give the feel that the whole mural is a continuous scroll (there are "fragments" dispersed throughout the mural). This is Noah on the stormy sea - it is very big and makes you feel very small. Note also Bible verses stenciled on the wall for each story!
Small figures are copies of flannelboard figures, modge-podged onto the wall where the scenery was painted. Scripture for each story in the sequence is stenciled onto the wall.
They found stencils/molds for tree texture and used drywall mud to build up the texture and then painted it. Holes were poked in the wall to stick in the palm branches to make the trees even more three-dimensional.
Goliath. My photo does not fully show how he is so tall they had to take the tiles out of the ceiling so he could stand up straight (you can sort of see at the top of the picture how that area has been boxed in and painted)! He is made in very touchable textured layers, and is on a door to storage that rolls on a track. The children like to have their pictures taken with him.
I love how the EXIT sign became part of the inter-Testamental period reminder. (These doors lead to the gym, otherwise known as BOB - the Building Out Back!)
Angels all the way to the ceiling really give you a feel for how big a heavenly host might have been. (These angels are photocopied from a picture Bible.)
Scenes for stories from Jesus' birth narrative. Note how the door is incorporated into the mural (this is an unused door, as a wall was taken down to turn two classrooms into one art workshop).
This section of the mural is dedicated to Jesus' miracles. There is a similar section on the wall with a group of pictures related to the parables (at the right edge of the picture you can partially see an explanation of what a parable is).
The window Eutychus fell out of when he fell asleep during a long sermon. The drama class for this story began at a bloody crime scene below this "window!" Talk about bringing the Bible to life!
Note also proof that the pastor at this church has a good sense of humor: it says on the wall "And you thought our pastor was long-winded!!"
(Acts 20:7-12)
Great three-dimensional mural for Paul is shipwrecked! There is also a map on the wall showing Paul's journeys.
Basket at end of wall is filled with scrolls representing the Epistles. Turn the corner and you find Acts 1:8b reminding the students that the story continues with us: "Jesus said, '...and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'" (Pink graphic girl on the wall is restroom door. It is a short hall perpendicular to the timeline mural, so it does not clash.)