
Reply to "Empty Tomb: Video, Art, Shadow Theater, and Computer Workshop Lessons from Jaymie"

Empty Tomb

Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

View and discuss "He Is Risen" video from Nest Entertainment.

Scripture References:

Matthew, 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-10, “Jesus Rises from the Dead,” Little Kids’ Adventure Bible, pages 356-357.

Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead.  We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at Easter.

Memory Verse:
“He is not here. He has risen!”  Luke 24:6

Preparation and Materials:

  • Read the Background information, Teaching Tips and Lesson.
  • Preview the video prior to class time.
  • Prepare popcorn before children arrive in class.
  • He is Risen DVD (Nest Family Entertainment)
  • Popcorn

Preview of the video on YouTube.
As of 2024, Nest seems to be allowing or not contesting full length posting of their videos on YouTube such as this one. You can also purchase them on DVD direct from  Note: They have a "Passion Trilogy" which cover all the story of Holy Week.

Summary of the Video from Nest:

Main Characters: Jesus, the Disciples, Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas

Scripture References: Matthew 26-27, Mark 14:26-16:20, Luke 22-24 & John 18-21.  Jesus dies on the cross and is buried in a sealed tomb only to be raised on the third day, celebrated as Easter morning. Appearing to the Disciples and His followers, Jesus compels them with the message that they must spread His teachings, and make disciples of men, then Jesus ascends into Heaven.

Summary: A young boy, Daniel, witnesses the death of Jesus by crucifixion on Calvary where a Roman Centurion confirms, "Truly this man was the son of God." Storms rage and an earthquake shakes the land at Jesus' death. Daniel hurries back to the Disciples, who are hiding from Roman soldiers, with the news of Jesus' death. Meanwhile, Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus prepare Jesus‰۪ body, bury it in a tomb cut into a hillside and cover the entrance with a huge stone. Caiaphas, the Pharisee high priest, who did not accept Jesus as the Messiah, visits Pontius Pilate, counseling Pilate to seal the tomb since Jesus' followers said He would rise from death on the third day. Pilate agrees and posts guards, but angels appear and the tomb splits open in a glorious burst of light. Jesus first appears to Mary Magdalene when she visits the empty tomb. Then Jesus appears to the Disciples. He entrusts Simon Peter to take care of His "lambs and sheep", and preaches for 40 days, asking His followers to teach His words to all peoples, everywhere. His mission on earth completed, Jesus ascends into heaven in a stirring climax to the video, telling His followers He will come again. "Come quickly, Lord Jesus," says the boy Daniel. "I'll always be watching for You."

Lesson Plan


Have the children sit in the theatre seats. Welcome the children andtoday's lesson and what you hope they will learn.  Open with prayer and then ask them what they know about the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. List their responses on a board and then return to the list after the video so they can add more details including what they may have missed.


Video: He Is Risen (The Animated Stories from the New Testament, Nest Entertainment)
Video running time 25 minutes

Introduce the Video
Jesus was an innocent man. He was betrayed, sentenced, and crucified. Is this the end of the story of Jesus? What happened when the women go to the tomb to finish his burial ritual?  Let’s watch and see the greatest miracle of them all -- the resurrection of Jesus.

Key points in the video:

  • Opens with Crucifixion scene, earthquake, soldier, temple curtain tears
  • Soldier confession
  • Joseph of Arimathea requests his body
  • Joseph and Nicodemus at the tomb with spices (PAUSE here to make sure the children recognize that this is Nicodemus, who visited Jesus at night and whom we studied in March!)
  • Caiphas and Pilate - posting guards at the tomb
  • The tomb is sealed
  • The light! Jesus is risen!
  • Peter and John run to tomb
  • Jesus appears to Mary
  • Jesus appears to the disciples
  • Soldiers visit Caiaphas and are bribed
  • Jesus appears to Thomas
  • Jesus on the beach
  • Peter swims to Jesus
  • Breakfast on the beach
  • Peter is restored
  • Great Commission - Jesus ascends to heaven  

Discussion Points

  1. What emotion did you feel when you saw Jesus die on the cross in the video?
  2. Did it make a difference to you knowing Jesus would come back to life?
  3. Why do you think God put a very SAD story at the center of our faith and scripture? (Terrible/Sad events make for permanent memories. God did not want the world to forget how sinful it was, and how great his forgiveness and love is!)
  4. What do you think it was like to see Jesus alive for the first time after his resurrection from death?
  5. How can WE 'see' and know that  Jesus is alive today?   Do we see him with our eyeballs?
  6. What can you do to prepare yourself for Jesus' reaching out to you?


Using words and ideas from their discussion responses, asking Jesus to lead us, teach us, comfort us, and protect us, lead a prayer that invites students to respond,"Risen Lord Jesus, be with me."

A lesson by Jaymie Derden from State Street UMC, TN.
Updated by a member of the Content Team

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