
Reply to "Empty Tomb: Video, Art, Shadow Theater, and Computer Workshop Lessons from Jaymie"

Empty Tomb

Computer Workshop Software Options and Lesson Ideas

Life of Christ, Actual Reality, and Kid Pix are the three software options discussed below. We've added an "Opening" that you can use with any of the programs, and some software-navigation and discussion notes.

It's not uncommon in the Bible Computer Lab to use two of the following program TOGETHER during the lesson. For example, starting with the presentation in Life of Christ, and then either turning to Actual Reality for further digging, or to Kid Pix to do some illustrating/creating.

Life of Christ (Grades 3-6)

Actual Reality (Grades 4-6)

UPDATE: You can now download a free "ISO" copy of Actual Reality software that will run fine in Windows 10 or 11 from  At that website, select the ISO image version. It's about 650 MB to download.

After downloading, double click to open, select "details"on the security screen and "run anyway" to unzip it. Then click the actreal.exe file in the unzipped folder to run it!  Tip: Use Window's Display Scale control to set screen to 150% to make it fill the screen. Learn more here and also get a copy of an Outline to Actual Reality.

Kid Pix 4 (or Kid Pix 3-D) (all grades)

Kid Pix is an art, illustrating, and storytelling software that was once described as "the first program every Bible computer lab should have on every computer" because of its versatility and wide age range. Learn more about this program and where to purchase here.

Lesson Opening for Using Any of These Programs

Prior to using the software, welcome your students and ask them to recall as much as they can about the story of Easter. List their responses on the board.

Next, give them clues about some of the events they may have missed to help jog their memories. Then invite them to try to get them in the correct order. Below is a basic outline you hope they can generate.

  1. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey amid great celebration – Palm Sunday
  2. Jesus cleansed the Temple.
  3. Jesus taught the people.
  4. Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples – Last Supper
  5. Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  6. Jesus was betrayed by Judas.
  7. Jesus was arrested.
  8. Jesus was tried, beaten and treated terribly.
  9. Jesus was nailed to a cross and died.
  10. Jesus was buried in a tomb.
  11. Jesus was resurrected (angels announce to the women, Peter runs to tomb, etc etc)

Younger children should have a simpler list.

Using Life of Christ:

  1. Click on icon on desktop to open program.
  2. Click New Exploration.
  3. Type in initials.
  4. Click on crate on table by window to open up lesson index.
  5. Click 34-40 – Jesus is Alive Forever and Ever.
  6. Click Lesson 34 – The Burial and Resurrection.
  7. Click YES to take quiz.
  8. Click on correct answers.
  9. Click arrow on bottom of screen to advance to next question.
  10. Click return to Lesson Index.
  11. Click on left hand side of screen to see toolbar. Click office.
  12. Roll mouse over left hand side of screen near bottom. EXIT will pop up. Click exit to exit the program.


  1. Gather the children around the computer station you have pulled up the presentation on.
  2. Listen to the narration (see #7 above in Navigation) - #34  The Burial and Resurrection.
  3. Discussion question:  If an angel appeared to you would you react more like the women or the guards? Why? Why did the guards run away?  What was the penalty for guards who deserted their post?  (death!)  What do you think they were thinking? Feeling?  What do you think the women thought and felt?  
  4. Take the quiz together.
  5. Exit the program.

Using Actual Reality:

  1. Start up the program on a computer(s)
  2. Let the opening run.
  3. Click on STUFF TO KNOW.
  4. Click on the CITY (this is the Parking Meter).
  5. Click on LE BIJOU Theatre – Raised from the Dead.
  6. Listen to Rebecca St. James.
  7. Watch the following video clips of the different theories (click on each one to watch)

    Stolen Body
    Miraculous Recovery Theory
    Mistaken Grave Theory
    He Is Risen


  • Have you ever heard any of these theories or others about what really happened to Jesus?
  • What do you think of the various theories that deny Jesus’ resurrection?
  • What do you think is the most convincing proof that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead?
  • What safeguards were taken to keep Jesus’ body guarded in the tomb?  (soldiers posted outside, tomb had “official Roman seal.
  • Describe the meaning of the resurrection in two sentences….
  • Why is it so important to Christians to believe that Jesus truly rose from the dead?
  • Have you ever doubted the things you hear about at church?
  • What can help us believe?
  • How can we help others believe something that seems impossible?
  • The disciples were completely transformed.  Has Jesus changed your life?  In what way?

    See the attached Actual Reality worksheet for further exploration and help guiding students.

Using Kid Pix

Children will use Kid Pix to illustrate the memory verse.  If desired, use sticker paper to create “bumper stickers” or other labels.    


  • Kid Pix software
  • Printable sticker paper (full size sheets ol label sheets)


  1. Copy Kid Pix Helpful Hints Handout for each computer station.
  2. Open Kid Pix and navigate to the drawing screen.  


If using labels, consider using the drawing tools to divide the screen into sections. Children can then draw within the section and print out their creations. If children are unfamiliar with the software, demonstrate some of the basic navigation tips for them on one computer before sending them to their separate stations. Suggestions:  basic drawing with pencil, crayon or paint, how to erase (caution them about the OOPS button and the large eraser), how to color in their drawings, how to use stamps, etc. Refer to the Helpful Hints sheet for further help at


  1. Review the memory verse with the children.  Give each computer station a copy of the memory verse.
  2. Divide the children into pairs and sent to computer stations.
  3. Have the children use Kid Pix to write the memory verse and illustrate it.  
  4. Children may use stamps, stickers or may draw their own illustrations.
  5. Make sure they share!  Divide the screen into at least two sections. Each child can illustrate on one half of the screen. Discourage frequent erasures.  
  6. Once they are finished, print out the illustrations onto the sticker paper.
  7. Cut apart and distribute to the children.
  8. Print out an extra copy of each station’s creation on regular paper for our scrapbook!


Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!