
Reply to "COMPLETE LESSON SET: Feeding the 5000 from FUMC, Ann Arbor, MI"

Jesus Feeds 5000+

Video Workshop 

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Watch a portion of the animated video from Nest Entertainment, "Bread From Heaven." [Note: 1st – 3rd graders visited this workshop.]

Scripture Reference & Key Bible Verse & Objectives: 

Refer to first post in this lesson set.

Leader Preparation: 

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • DVD Reference: Bread From Heaven, Nest Family Entertainment, 2005.
  • TV/DVD
  • Snack items: goldfish crackers, cups, napkins, water pitcher
  • Easel with paper; appropriate marker
  • Masking tape
  • Activity Book (from Nest Family Entertainment)
  • For 3rd grade:NIV Adventure Bibles (one with tabs - Law, History, etc.); Bible tab writing kit: tabs, fine-line Sharpie pen
  • For 1st and 2nd grade: Read With Me Bible

Before Start of Class:

  • Using the Activity Book, make copies of pages 9 (the old man) and 23 (Jesus).
  • Prepare snack. Pour cups of water. 
  • Make sure you know how to use the TV/DVD, especially how to move by chapters and scanning forward and backward within a chapter. 
  • Insert the DVD. Choose “Menu.” Choose “English Version.” Choose “Chapter Access.” And choose “Not Enough to Share.” When the words “Bread From Heaven” appear, press PAUSE. This is where this video will be started.
  • Using masking tape, hang up the picture of the old man at the top of the easel. Write next to this picture: “what he says?” Next draw a picture of a loaf of bread. Next to the loaf of bread write: “how many?” Finally, hang the picture of Jesus and write next to it: “what do we learn?” 


Opening – Welcome & Lesson Introduction: 

Greet your students warmly, welcoming them to the video workshop. Introduce yourself and any other adults.

[Note: The Shepherd will quietly take attendance & do name tags while you are starting your lesson.]


  • Have you ever been at a dinner where there were ten people there?
  • What kind of food did they have at your dinner for ten?
  • Have you ever been at a dinner with 100 people?
  • What about 500?
  • 5000 people?

Say: Today we are learning about a miracle that Jesus did. This miracle involved food – bread and fish.


  • Do you know what the miracle was?

Say: Jesus was able to feed more than 5000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish.


  • Do you think that five loaves of bread and two fish are enough to feed more than 5000 hungry people?

Say: Today we are going to watch a video of our Bible story. First let’s read the story in the Bible.

Dig - Main Content & Reflection:

Hold an Adventure Bible with tabs and review its organization.

For the 1st grade:

Say: The Bible is divided into two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is stories about Jesus. Besides being divided into two testaments, the Bible is further divided into books.

Ask: Can anyone tell me the names of the first four books of the New Testament?

For 2nd and 3rd grade:

Ask: The Bible is divided into two sections, what are they?

Say: The two sections are the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is stories about Jesus. Besides being divided into two testaments, the Bible is further divided into books.

Ask: What are the first four books of the New Testament?

For all students:

Say: The first four books of the New Testament are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


  • We have a name for those first four books, what do we call them?

Say: We call the first four books of the New Testament the Gospels. The word Gospel means “good news.” There is lots of good news in the Gospels. The best news is that Jesus loves each one of us and wants us to love him back.

For 3rd graders:
Say: If you have your own Bible today, be sure you receive a tab for the Gospel section of your Bible. [Show the classroom Bible with tabs. Have the Shepherd do Gospel tabs for students who bring their Bibles. Use the classroom Bible with tabs as an example.]

For all students:


  • This is a trick question. In what Gospel do we find the story of our miracle?

Say: We find the story of Jesus feeding multitudes of people in all four Gospels! This is the only miracle, besides Jesus’ resurrection, that is told in all four of the Gospels.

For 1st and 2nd graders:

Read them the story on pages 312 –317 of the Read With Me Bible. Show the pictures as you read the story. Alternately, in later weeks of the Rotation you may consider asking the students to tell you the story. Help them out by showing them the pictures in this story Bible.

For 3rd grade:

Distribute purple Adventure Bibles. Have them find the story in John 6:1-14.
[The students might need more time to find the story. Make sure they understand the difference between chapter numbers and verse numbers.]

Begin to tell them the story…

Say: Jesus had taken a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. He had wanted to find a quiet place to be by himself but, the crowds followed him. They knew that Jesus did great miracles. They wanted to see Jesus. I am going to start reading from the Bible at verse 5. Follow along if you’d like to do so.

Read to them John 6:5-14.

For all students:

Say: Let’s take a look at what we are going to see in our video. This video starts off showing us a poor, hungry boy during Bible times. In the video he speaks with an old man. [Refer to the easel – old man picture.] Listen for what this old man says.

Show the Video:

Have the Shepherd distribute the snack.

PAUSE after the young boy retreats through the archway leaving the old man. [After viewing 2 minutes, 23 seconds.] (Note: The PAUSE button is one of the most powerful tools in your workshop. Don’t be afraid to use it!)

Ask: What did the old man tell the boy? (when the Messiah came, people who followed him wouldn’t be hungry anymore)
What do you suppose the old man meant? (accept a few answers)

[Note: if the kids don’t catch it, use the controls to SCAN BACKWARD and re-watch this scene.]
Say: In this next scene, watch closely to see how many loaves of bread the young boy gets from the baker. [Refer to the easel.]

Press PLAY.
PAUSE after the woman says “the miracle worker is coming.” [After viewing 1 minute, 40 seconds.]


  • How many loaves of bread did the boy get from the bakers when he pretends to be ill? (five)

[Note: it will probably be necessary to re-watch this scene. Use the controls to SCAN BACKWARD and re-watch this scene. Is there a way to watch at a slower speed? Otherwise be ready with the pause button! (One baker puts in 2 loaves, the other puts in 3.)]

Say: Now watch what we learn about Jesus. [Refer to the easel.] And watch what happens to those five loaves of bread.

Press PLAY.
PAUSE after Jesus gives the young boy who shared his lunch, a loaf of bread and Jesus is shown alone on the screen. [After viewing 7 minutes, 35 seconds.]

Note to workshop leader: what to do if kids want to watch more of a video than the lesson calls for?

Please don’t give in to their requests, unless you’ve finished the entire lesson and have extra time! Why? These lessons are specifically planned to get across certain teaching points. If you are spending time watching a part of the video that’s not a part of the lesson, you’re taking away from the intended teaching opportunities!

What can you say to the kids? We’ll watch more of the video if we have time at the end of class. OR We should plan a family night activity here at church to watch the entire video! Thanks for following this lesson!



  • What happened to the five loaves of bread?

Say: Jesus did a miracle – he turned the boy’s five loaves of bread and two fish into a lot of food for lots of people.


  • What is a miracle? (accept a few answers)

Say: A miracle can be described as a wonderful event that tells us something about God.

  • What does this story teach us about God?

Try to raise the following points:

  • that God is powerful,
  • that God cares about peoples needs,
  • that God wants us to share even if what we have is little,
  • that age doesn’t matter – everyone can share.


  • Why do you suppose the people didn’t bring any food with them? (maybe they didn’t expect to stay so long; maybe they did have food but didn’t want to share)
  • What do you think would have happened if the boy hadn’t brought a lunch or hadn’t shared it?
  • If you had been one of the people there during this story, would you have shared your lunch?
  • What are things that you have that you can share with others? [Be sure to include non- material things like time, energy, love, & concern.]

Say: Jesus wants us to share what we have with others. When we ask God to bless what we have, we will be amazed at what can happen. God can take what little we have to share, and turn it into something bigger


Ask for any prayer requests. Ask if anyone would like to lead the group in prayer. Be prepared to say a prayer yourself, working in prayer requests. Use the Lord’s Prayer as the ending. A suggestion: “Dear God, Thank you for the stories in the Bible which teach us something about you. We have learned today that sharing is important. Help us remember to share even when we think we don’t have much to give. (End with the Lord’s Prayer) Amen."

Extra Activities (in case you finish early)

Go back to the DVD and return to the Main Menu. Choose “Additional Features.”
Choose “Adventure Quiz” and then Quiz Level 2, and then “New International Version” on the Scripture Translations page.
Have the kids work together to answer the questions. They can ask for hints from the Bible or to watch a portion of the video again.

When the question appears: “Once Jesus asked his disciples if they would ever leave him…” Choose “Back to Q&A Menu.” [The rest of the questions pertain to parts of the video not watched.]


  • Johnson, M. G. Ron. Bread From Heaven: Activity & Resource Book. Irving, TX: Nest Entertainment, 1996.
  • MacQueen, Neil. "A Manual for the Video - A/V Workshop.
  • Read With Me Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1993.

A lesson written by Carol Hulbert from: First United Methodist Church
Ann Arbor, MI

Copyright 2008 First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI. Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material.

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