Here is a really fun and easy "tilting maze" board we made in our church for a rotation set on Paul and the Bright Light.
You'll notice that we labeled the holes/pitfalls and rails (helps), and added barriers (also labeled) to represent ideas in the story we wanted to teach. We used post-it notes so the kids could quickly adhere labels and remove them to change the game. We had a roll of tape to stick the barriers on after the kids labeled them. The young girl is holding the larger of two balls we played with. The table is balanced on large ball until they lifted the board and started to tilt.
Such a maze board can be adapted for many stories and talking points. Lots of variations! It can even be used to memorize a verse (by labeling each hole with a word from the verse, and then rolling the ball into the correct next hole).
Read a few more notes here about the game board.
See my Paul and the Bright Light game workshop notes here.
Amazon and game equipment sites sell pre-made "TARP BALL GAMES" and parachutes with holes in them.They tend to require more players than the typical Sunday School class, BUT you can also roll and tape a broomstick on all four sides so that one person can control an entire side of the tarp.
See the Writing Team's "Micah 6:8 "Do Justice" Bible Skills and Games Workshop lesson where the KIDS help create the "holey tarp" and use it to remember and discuss justice, kindness, and walking humbly.