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Jesus' Birth through the Eyes of the Wisemen
A Bible Skills and Game Workshop Lesson Plan

A Wisemen ~ Magi Board Game

board.gameSummary of Lesson Activities:

Journey of the Magi game.
This lesson has instructions for creating your own tabletop board game, but the game plan could also be converted to a giant floor board game.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 2:1-23

Lesson Objective:

Establish in the children's minds that the long journey that these foreigners took to show respect to the new king took time, care, and effort tells us about our own journey to the manger.

Leader Preparation:

Materials List:

  • Board Game about the Wisemenposter board or large sheet of butcher paper (or large canvas or colored squares if doing a floor board)
  • coloring markers
  • index cards
  • figures to serve as players' pieces. (These can be something like buttons, or even figures drawn on wide craft sticks stuck into plasticine stands.)
  • a box made into a "dice" with only 1, 2, 3 on it.

Advance preparation:

  • Make your own Journey of the Magi game board using a large piece of poster board (or if doing a large version on the floor use a large painter's canvas or colorful sheets of paper taped to the floor). Draw a simple path of squares in a circular, hourglass or figure 8 shape. An internet search for "board game templates" will give you lots of ideas; here are some to get you started.

    Make game cards by writing new moves on the index cards. Here's a simple list of moves that could be written on  cards. Some are "content" and most are just for fun. Adjust the content and # of moves based on your age range and time needs.
  1. Forget to bring gifts, return to Persia by moving back 2 spaces.
  2. You have a fast camel that makes good time. Move ahead 2 squares.
  3. You decide looking for God's Messiah isn't worth the trouble, Move back 2 spaces.
  4. Sand storm blocks view of the star you are following. Move back 1.
  5. Super hot day in the desert. Camels need more water. Go to the nearest oasis and move back 2.
  6. Clear skies for several nights. Good visibility for following your star. Move ahead 1.
  7. Herod's messengers ask you to pay a visit. Detour to Herod's place. Move back 3.
  8. Good news, Herod wants to see the baby, too. Let's you go on your way. Move ahead 2.
  9. Camels need rest. Move back 2.
  10. You think the Christmas story is about Santa and getting gifts instead of giving them. Move back 2 spaces.
  11. You realize how wonderful it is that God has sent a Savior. Move ahead 3 spaces.
  12. Star seems to stand still over certain stable. Move ahead 1 space.
  13. You find the baby, mother, and father in a house. Stop for a minute and give your gifts. (Stay)
  14. You are warned in a dream that Herod isn't such a nice guy after all. Take a secret route out of town without going back to tell Herod anything. Move ahead 2.
  15. You invite a friend to come to Christmas Eve services with you to hear the Good News. Move ahead 2.
  16. You want to thank Jesus for coming into the world with peace and forgiveness. Move ahead 1 space.
  17. Camel got sick, go back 2 spaces.
  18. Name the Gospel that the story of the Magi comes from (and if you do) move ahead 2.
  19. Explain why King Herod was a bad dude, move ahead 2 spaces. If you can't move back 1.
  20. Name the chapter in Matthew's Gospel where you can find the story of the Wisemen (if you do, move ahead 2 spaces. If you can't, move back 1.)
  21. Name the three gifts of the Magi (get all three correct and move ahead 1)
  22. Explain the symbol of either Gold, Frankincense, or Myrrh -- why they gave those gifts to baby Jesus. Move had 2 spaces if you get two or three correct, 1 space if you only get one correct.
  23. True or False: The Magi visited baby Jesus at the manger. Move ahead 1 space if correct. (F)
  24. True or False: The Magi/Wiseman may have come from what is today the country of Iraq. Move ahead one space if correct. (T)
  25. True or False: The Magi were Jews.  Move ahead one space if correct. (F)
  26. True or False: Baby Jesus may have been old enough to walk when the Magi visited him.  Move ahead 1 space if correct.  (T)
  27. Name a Gift that Jesus would appreciate us giving him. Move ahead 1 space.



Greet the children and Introduce yourself and any helpers that you have. Explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Read the Bible passage creatively with your class.

Follow up questions:

  1. How difficult do you think the Wisemen/Magi's journey was to get to Jerusalem? And what does that say about their desire to find a Savior?
  2. What is a Savior?
  3. Why were the Magi/Wisemen suspicious of King Herod's reasons for wanting to find the baby Jesus?
  4. What does coming into the world as a BABY say about God's attitude towards his children?

Play the Game

To play this game, all the start pieces at start and roll to next spot, picking up index card with each roll. First player across the finish line wins.

Keep recycling the game cards until everyone reaches the finish line.

As the game is played, if you need to speed it up, offer "double bonus space move ups" for all or certain cards.

Allow those who finish early to roll the dice and read the playing cards.

You may have to make up 2 sets of game boards playing depending on the number of children you expect in your class.


Discuss what you have learned about the Magi and close with prayers that we ourselves would make the effort, with God's help, to make our own journey to greet and worship the Christ child this Christmas.

A lesson written by member LD Mckenzie and improved by the editors of

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