Jesus' Birth through the Eyes of the Wisemen
A Bible Skills and Games Workshop Lesson
for those who seek Christ
Children will play an action multiple choice quiz game to help them remember the details of the Matthew's Magi story.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 2:1-23
Lesson Objectives
- Children can name all three gifts given by the magi.
- Children can remember details from the magi story.
- Children can sequence events in the Magi story.
- Children will be able to see themselves as "seekers" who journey to be with Jesus, the Savior.
Materials List:
- Bibles
- 9X12 posters for each of the three gifts
- Flipchart/board for scorekeeping
- markers or pens
Advance Preparation Requirements:
- Make posters for each of the three gifts: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Use images either drawn or from the internet for each gifts.
- Place the letter A under “gold”, B under “frankincense”, C under “myrrh” on the posters.
- Make a SCOREBOARD on the board or flipchart.
- For the final question/reflection... Print the description of the Magi's three gifts from
Lesson Plan
Greet the children and introduce yourself and any helpers you have. Explain what they'll be doing and learning about today.
Introduce and Read the Story
Ask the children what they know about the Magi story. Explain that some of what we know is stuff that was made up by hymn writers or drama writers, and isn’t actually in the Bible. Invite them to pay close attention to the story as it comes from scripture.
Read Matthew 2:1-23 together or use one of the creative suggestions here at
Follow up questions:
- How difficult do you think the Wisemen/Magi's journey was to get to Jerusalem? And what does that say about their desire to find a Savior?
- What is a Savior?
- Why were the Magi/Wisemen suspicious of King Herod's reasons for wanting to find the baby Jesus?
- What does coming into the world as a BABY say about God's attitude towards his children?
Play the Game
Position the three Gold (A), Franincense (B), and Myrrh (C) "answer boards" either on the wall or on the floor about four feet from each other. This is how a team selects which answer they think is correct -- by having their entire team step in front of the A, B, C answer board.
Divide children into two or three teams.
Read a question and possible answers slowly to the first team. They then have 5 to 7 seconds to stand by the correct A/B/C answer. All teammates must agree.
If they get the answer right, they are awarded 3 points. And it's the next team's turn.
If they get the answer wrong, At your cue, ALL other players/teams have 3 seconds to stand by the correct answer. Award 1 point to the team that has all their players standing by the correct answer.
Play now moves to the second team who gets first crack at answering the next question.Note: There are a couple of questions that have more than one correct answer. In that case, the team must have some of their players stand on the correct answers. Let them know ahead of time if the question has more than one correct answer so they can be ready.
- For a "lightning round" have ALL PLAYERS answer at once. Teams are awarded one point for each player of theirs that is standing on the correct answer!
- Use many of the questions as an opportunity to share an insight into the story and its meaning.
Reflection Time:
Describe what the gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh were and what they represented (why the Magi gave them) Consult this quick help at for details!
Then, invite students to go stand by either Gold, Frankincense, or Myrrh and talk among themselves (with some help from you) about what similar gift WE might give Jesus today. i.e. "What gifts would Jesus want us to give the world?" When everyone's ready, invite each gift-team to step forward and share their answer.
Conclude with prayer that we would all be gift-givers to Jesus.
To take home
Copy of questions to quiz parents.
If you have extra time…
Ask the children to retell the story in sequential order. If they forget something, go back to the Bibles and see what they missed.
If time runs short…
Eliminate some of the questions and move to the "All Play" option for a fun finish.
Take note of any team members who might be "pushy" or negative towards players that have a different answer.
Questions for the game:
1. When Jesus was born, who was king of Judea?
a. Solomon
b. Herod *
c. Caesar Augustus
2. How many magi came to see Jesus?
a. Three
b. Four
c. The story doesn’t say. *
3. What is the best word to describe what the Magi were?
a. Kings
b. Astrologers *
c. Professors
4. What were the names of the magi?
a. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
b. Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar
c. The Bible doesn’t say. *
(Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar are names that were created in about the 7th century in the Western church. Eastern Christians use different "traditional" names.)
5. Where did the magi come from?
a. The East. *
b. The West
c. Jerusalem
6. Why did the magi leave home?
a. They saw a star. *
b. They thought the star meant a new king was born. *
c. They thought the star’s location was the place to find the baby.
7. Where did the magi stop to ask about the child?
a. Jerusalem. *
b. Egypt
c. Nazareth.
8. How did Herod feel when he heard about the magi?
a. Worried *
b. Excited
c. Sad.
9. When Herod heard about the magi, he called together the chief priests and religious teachers. What did he ask them?
a. What do you think about those wise guys?
b. "Where will the Messiah be born?” *
c. When did the star appear?
10. When Herod asked the religious leaders where the Messiah would be born, what did they tell him?
a. "He will be born in Egypt, just as the prophet wrote.”
b. "He will be born in Nazareth, just as the prophet wrote.”
c. "He will be born in Bethlehem, just as the prophet wrote.” *
11. Herod secretly called in the magi. What did he ask them?
a. When they had first seen the star. *
b. What gifts they were bringing.
c. What was the name of the child.
12. After the magi answered Herod’s question, what did he tell them?
a. Go to Bethlehem and kill all the boys two years old or younger.
b. "Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, let me know. I want to go and worship him too.” *
c. Go to Bethlehem and give the child some gifts from me, too.
13. When Herod told the magi he wanted to worship the new king, was he telling the truth?
a. Yes. He was excited that the Messiah had come.
b. No. He wanted to kill the child. *
c. The Bible doesn’t say.
14. After the magi talked to Herod, what did they do?
a. They followed the star until they came to the place where Jesus was. *
b. They went to Bethlehem and asked around until they found Jesus.
c. They followed the star to Egypt.
15. When the magi went into the house where Jesus was, whom did they see?
a. Joseph.
b. Mary. *
c. Jesus. *
16. Which of the following did the Magi NOT do when they first saw Jesus?
a. They warned his parents about Herod. *
b. They knelt down and worshipped Jesus.
c. They gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
17. What did the magi say to the shepherds?
a. In Bethlehem you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes.
b. May we follow you to Bethlehem?
c. Nothing. The shepherds are in a different story. *
18. After the magi met Jesus, they were warned in a dream about something. What was it?
a. Not to tell anyone they had seen Jesus.
b. Not to return to Herod. *
c. To hurry away to Egypt.
19. After the magi found Jesus, how did they avoid seeing Herod again?
a. They dressed in disguises.
b. They hurried through Jerusalem without stopping.
c. They went home by a different road. *
20. When Herod found out that the magi had tricked him, what did he do?
a. He ordered his men to kill all the boys who lived in or near Bethlehem and were two years old and younger. *
b. He ordered his men to find the baby.
c. He cried.
A lesson written by member Lisa Martin and enhanced by the volunteer editors of