
Reply to "GIDEON'S Trumpet Lesson Set - By Augustana Lutheran Church, Saint James, MN"

Gideon’s Trumpets

Movie Workshop


Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the DVD, “Webster, the Scaredy Spider,” part of the “Hermie and Friends” series by Max Lucado, 31 minutes for main feature and introduction


Scripture Reference:

Judges 6-8.

Memory Verse:
“Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong.” (Isaiah 41:10a, CEV)

Lesson Objectives: Students will:

  • Discover why the people of Israel were afraid of the Midianites
  • Consider Gideon’s nervousness in being told to lead the battle—especially after God sent home most of the soldiers.
  • Consider things that made Webster (and the students) afraid
  • Learn that the promise of God’s presence and help can give us strength and comfort.


Materials Needed:

  • Bibles (one for each student)
  • The DVD, “Webster, the Scaredy Spider,” part of the “Hermie and Friends” series by Max Lucado, 31 minutes for main feature and introduction
  • TV and DVD player
  • Popcorn and water/juice
  • Pencils/journals for each student

Leader Preparation:

  • Gather the materials.
  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Preview the video.




Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Welcome all the students warmly as they arrive. When they have all gathered, ask, “Do you ever feel afraid? Everybody does at times, although the things that worry us change as we get older. You probably don’t imagine that there are monsters under your bed, although you maybe did when you were little. And now you maybe worry about what other people think of you, even though when you were younger you didn’t much care. Some of our worries and fears are based on real, legitimate threats and other times we worry about things much more than we need to. Do you ever wonder if God knows that you are worried and afraid?
Our Bible story this month tells about a time that the people of Israel were legitimately afraid of their neighboring group of people, the Midianites. God called an ordinary man, named Gideon, to rescue them in a very unusual and surprising way, but first he had to deal with his own fears. We’re going to hear that story in a little bit, then watch a fun—and kind of silly—movie about some bugs dealing their fear! First, though, let’s begin with prayer.

“Holy God, we know that you are all-powerful. Help us to trust you and your will when we are afraid, and to listen to the people that you send to help us. Let all of God’s people say…AMEN.


Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Bible Study
In order to have time for the movie, we won’t be reading the whole story of Gideon, but I’d like everyone to turn to the Bible lesson in the book of Judges. That is in the Old Testament, right after the book of Joshua. The story starts at Judges, chapter 6. I would like someone to read Judges 6:1-10.

Why were the people afraid of the Midianites? (Midianites were stronger, they would attack and steal their crops and possessions) Good! Next, we’ll hear the story of God calling Gideon to save the people. Will someone please read Judges 6:11-15:

How did Gideon feel about being the leader? (Afraid, didn’t think he was the right guy). Next, let’s read Judges 6:33-35 and hear about the Midianites getting ready for battle

How do you think Gideon and the people of Israel felt as they saw the huge army of Midianites and Amalekites gathering together? (frightened) How did Gideon respond? (Tried to gather an army of comparable size) Gideon wanted to be sure that God was going to help him. Let’s hear about how Gideon tried to test God. Read Judges 6:36-40.

Gideon must have been feeling more comfortable after those tests, but then God told him that he had too many soldiers! Let’s read Judges 7:2-8.

How do you think Gideon felt going against the huge army of the Midianites with only 300 soldiers? (allow students to respond). Before we hear the rest of the story, let’s watch the movie, “Webster, the Scaredy Spider.”

Show the Movie

(Before class, cue it up to the Main Menu) When you are ready to start, select “Play,“ then, “Play Feature with Max Lucado Introduction.” The movie will last 30 minutes.)

Review/Bible Study
What were some of the things that Webster was afraid of? What finally brought Webster comfort and peace? (Knowing that God was always with him, and would give him the strength to face his fears and to use the special talents that he had).

Now let’s see how that worked for Gideon. Will someone please read Judges 6:15-16.
That sounds like the promise that Webster received in the movie, didn’t it? Now let’s read about the way God defeated the Midianites with only 300 soldiers. Read Judges 7:16-22.
God enabled Gideon and the people of Israel to overcome their fears, and to overcome the people who had oppressed them.

Journal Time:
Today in your journal I would ask you to write about some of the things that you worry about, or are afraid of. Write also a prayer asking God to give you strength to get through your fears, and to know God’s presence and help.


Holy God, we thank you that you are always with us, and that you invite us to come to us in prayer with all our concerns. Help us when we are afraid. Give us strength, as you gave Gideon the strength, to do what you want us to do in order to serve you. Let all of God’s people say…AMEN.

You probably will not have extra time, but it you do, the students might enjoy the bonus feature on the video, “The Actors’ Fears.” They can see the people behind the voices as they try to identify different types of fears (such as What is arachnophobia?
Get to this by going to the Main Menu, then choosing, “Bonus Material,” then, “The Stars’ Fears.”


A lesson written by Pastor Ted Kunze from: Augustana Lutheran Church

St. James, MN


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