
Reply to "GIDEON'S Trumpet Lesson Set - By Augustana Lutheran Church, Saint James, MN"

Here is a short set of multiple choice questions we used to review the ways Gideon Fully Relied On God. We used it as the introduction to making the origami frogs (hence the FROG acronym).

Gideon had to Fully Rely on God. Tell the children you will ask them some questions about how Gideon Fully Relied on God, and give them 3 choices of answers. They should choose which one is correct. (answers in bold)


·         When the Angel of God told Gideon to go and fight the Midianites, Gideon was afraid because they were mighty and he wasn't. What did he say?

  1.      Okay, I trust God to help me.
  2.       I can't help you. Go and find someone else.
  3.       Prove to me that you are coming from God, and then I will. (How did the angel prove it? He burned up Gideon's rather wet offering on a rock)


·         When the Angel of God told Gideon to break down the altar to Baal, Gideon was afraid of the people who worshiped Baal. What did he do?

  1. Send someone else to break it.
  2. Break it down at night so no one would see him.  (What happened? The people were angry, but his father said that if Baal was really God, he could punish Gideon. And he wasn't, so he didn't.)
  3. Get on his biggest horse and smash it to bits.


·         When the Midianites were coming and it was time to fight, Gideon was afraid. What did he do?

  1. Blow his trumpet and lead his men into battle.
  2. Run away to Egypt.
  3. Ask God for two more signs that he was really going to help. (What were they? 1. Put a fleece (sheepskin) on the ground and ask God to make it wet when the ground was dry. 2. The opposite)


·         When God made most of Gideon's army go home and only left him 300 men against so many they couldn't be counted, Gideon was afraid. What did God do to help Gideon believe God would help him win?

  1. Send the Midianite soldiers a dream that Gideon's army would win, and let Gideon hear about it. (The dream was that a loaf of unleavened bread came down the hill and smashed a Midianite tent. The Midianites knew it was about Gideon's army since the Israelites ate unleavened bread.)
  2. Make Gideon's torch burn even inside a jar.  (He did that, but not to make Gideon feel less afraid)
  3. Part the water of the river so Gideon's men could walk across.  (Nope—that was Joshua)


·         When it was time to attack the Midianites with his small army of 300, Gideon was afraid. What good idea did God give Gideon?

  1. Put his soldiers inside a wooden horse to trick the Midianites. (Nope—that was the Trojans)
  2. Sneak around the Midianite camp and fool them into thinking the Israelites had a huge army. (Yup. They fooled them by blowing lots of trumpets and waving lots of torches)
  3. Use Tie-fighters to blow them away. (Oops, wrong planet. That's Star Wars and the Death Star)


·         When Gideon's army blew their trumpets, the Midianites were fooled. But the Israelites were probably still afraid. If the Midianites found out they'd been tricked, Gideon's army didn't have enough soldiers to fight them. What did God do so they didn't have to fight?

  1. Send a ghost army so it looked like there were more. (Nope—that's Lord of the Rings)
  2. Confuse the Midianites so they fought each other and ran away. (Yup. Right into the path of the other Israelite soldiers who were coming to help Gideon. Lots of them.)
  3. Send the Minions in to help. (No, but it would be fun to see.)


Say: Gideon Fully Relied on God.

·      What does it mean to "Rely" on someone or something? (depend on, have confidence in, trust.)

·      What is something you rely on? (accept all answers: the bus that takes me to school, my parents,…)

·      We can also Fully Rely On God, and his promise to help us. Read the Memory Verse together. Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!