These workshop signs come from the Grovekids "Treehouse" (Rotation) Sunday School at Elim Grove Baptist in Bonner Kansas.
I've posted some of their workshop photos in Art
“It beats the socks off filling out a worksheet,” said Cheris Bass, co-leader of the church’s Sunday School program.
Once deciding to take it on, Bass said, the church members decided they needed to make it “the best thing ever.” She said they were inspired by a children’s area at that same Lee’s Summit church, which was simply named the treehouse, given their church’s name was based on trees.
So they decided to design the Sunday School area to look like children were climbing up into a treehouse, crossing a hallway painted to look like a swinging bridge before entering the treehouse — crafts room, science room, theater room, computer lab and movie theatre, all around a large children’s worship area decorated with street signs and all sorts of knickknacks. A taxidermied Alaskan black bear, donated by a church member, greets children at the top of the main staircase.
Each of the workshop rooms is decorated with murals to make it look like children are looking out from the treehouse at the Kansas landscape.
-excerpted from a local newspaper article