United PC, Sterling KS
Our hallway serves as a Prayer Pathway (not only for kids but for anyone.) We are fortunate to have a wide, long hallway. Twisted trees stand at both entrances of the hall. In addition to the Prayer Tree (by the bridge), we have plans for other permanent prayer stations throughout.
EDITED BY MODERATOR TO ADD TREE CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION (we have had several questions on how these lovely three-dimensional trees were put together:
Our pastor and her daughter actually made this tree. Here’s her response:
We took long sheets of kraft paper (the kind on a big roll) and crumpled them and twisted them to make long crumply "branches." The trunk is many of these stapled to the wall together, and then branches coming out of that, some of those stapled to wall, and some of them suspended from the ceiling with fishing line and paper clips. The leaves are garlands that we bought at Hobby Lobby.
The tree’s trunk was actually attached at an outer corner of two walls, so I think that helped give the tree more dimension.