Dear Brian
Folding Doors they are used to divide a larger room into smaller ones. They are made out a flexible material. Sound travel right though them.
Make the Rooms Large Enough!!!!
The largest room I have is 12'x 14'. I have class size from 22 to 10 kids. We have preschool thru 8th grade. I have 12 kids in the older class very hard to move around. Movie time we are on top of one another.
Track Lighting in some Rooms
Track lighting I would use it for highlighting a poster in move room. It can be a spot light in a drama room. Sometimes you want to have low light when telling a story. When I did the upper room a low light for an evening meal would have been nice. I did use candle light but it made it very hard for reading. The overhead lighting is ok most of the time. But if you are going to dream. Go for it.
Doors easy for children to open
Also a two-part door is great. You can keep the top open if you have a room with no windows for safety reasons.
Wired for computers
Even if you not planning them right away. Plug in higher and lower.
Don't forget storage
When we built we had few storage places and Sunday School ended up with none. Now I have a shed out side the building with plastic totes. Not bad in the spring and Fall but the winter with 30 below weather not fun. Also someone will ask for something and its out in the shed. So I spend a lot of time running from the building to the shed.
Check out other church layouts!!!
Is there a church close by you can visit to help you with your planning? Sometimes seeing thing help. They can look good on paper but when they are done it may not work as well.
Have a plan!!!
Have a plan of what kind of painting you are planning to do. Because once there are white walls it can be very hard for others to understand why you want to paint them any other color. If I were you I would get someone on the building committee who understands the program and can speak for you.
In Service for the Lord and His Children
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