
COMPLETE LESSON SET: Investigating the Trial of Jesus - Theme, Zion Baptist Community, AB, Canada

We created a themed rotation studying Jesus’ trial. Children were recruited as investigators and collected evidence that Jesus was innocent of his charge of Blaspheme. Each workshop helped students gather evidence and learn more about the story of Jesus’ trial.

Summary of Workshops:

  • Kick-Off Courtroom (ALL): Introduction to upcoming trial, watch video clip, court in session where kids are recruited as investigators, kids' mission for next weeks explained.
  • Creative Storytelling (Games): Children will investigate Jesus' innocence through investigator training school where they will learn skills such as: listening carefully, scene investigation (game-spot the difference), knowing the difference between Guilty vs. Innocent (game-wink murder).
  • Cooking:  Hear an eye witness account from Mary Magdalene of the resurrection and while listening students will create pomanders.
  • Drama/Photography: Kids will document evidences that Jesus is the Son of God by photographing shadow scenes depicting events from Jesus’ life.
  • Storytelling/Computer: We set this workshop up in our computer lab with 4 computers acting as different stations to collect evidence from Peter and 2 stations that did not require computers.
  • Court Room Wrap Up (ALL): Gather again at the courtroom for court session - first: review of the evidence for Jesus’ innocence, secondly: the kids (and teachers) become on trial for sinning against God - Evidence of guilt and defence – 1 Peter 3:18. This session will close with a cheer and songs of celebration that Jesus’ innocent death made the way for sinners to be declared righteous!

Trial and Crucifixion

KICK-OFF (All students together to introduce theme before workshops)

Summary of Lesson Activities:

For the Kick-off as stage is decorated to look like a courtroom. The person hosting the kick-off is the court clerk and should be dressed in business clothes. The court clerk’s role will be to welcome the kids to the courtroom, inform them of the upcoming trial, and provide them with background information through verbal explanation and a movie depicting Holy Week. A short court session follows the movie – where the judge begins to address the question of Jesus innocence/guilt of the charge of blasphemy, but is exasperated by the lack of evidence and recruits the kids to investigate the matter and appear in court with their verdict in two weeks’ time. The clerk will close the session by distributing paper folders for children to use as they collect their evidence through the rotation.

Session Outline:

  • 10 min: Introduction to the upcoming trial and the charge of blasphemy
  • 30-40 min: Holy Week video (The Jesus Story for Children, available for free online)
  • 15 min: Court is in session and kids recruited as investigators
  • 10 min: Overview of the rotation (the kids’ mission), introduction to the memory verse

Leader Preparation:

  • Review the scripture and background materials.
  • Gather the supplies.

Supplies List:

  • Costume for the judge (robe, wig, gavel)
  • Table, tablecloth, and wooden chair (judge’s desk – set up at the front of the chapel)
  • Flag on a pole (optional – but would help make the chapel court-like. Have in a stand beside the judge’s desk.)
  • The Story of Jesus for Children (cued to 30:13)
  • Projector and laptop or TV and DVD player
  • Paper Folders (1 per student)

Lesson Plan


Lesson (led by Court Clerk):
Welcome kids as they are dropped off. Inform them that this room is a courtroom for today, and that you are the court clerk (that’s why you’re dressed in business clothes). Stress that there are special protocols that must be followed when the court is in session, and go over them with the kids.

Rules for the Courtroom:

  • Hats must be removed
  • Eating and drinking is not allowed
  • Large bags and parcels must be left in a designated area by the door
  • You must be very quiet and sit still so that you do not disturb the court
  • If the judge asks you a question, you must stand up when you answer and always address the judge as “Your Honour” [maybe practice this a couple of times, for fun].
  • You must stand up when the judge enters the court, and remain standing until the judge sits down. When the judge leaves the court, you must stand up until the judge has left the room. (Listen to the clerk; she’ll tell you when you have to stand up)



There is a big trial coming up this morning, and I need to fill you in before Court is in session so that you can understand what’s going on. Does anyone here know what a trial is?  A trial in court is where a judge decides whether someone is guilty of a crime!  Today, the judge is going to be putting Jesus on trial!! He is going to decide whether Jesus is innocent or guilty of blasphemy! (Pause for a moment) Wait, do you guys know what blasphemy is? I’d better back up and explain!

Blasphemy is a fancy word that means to say or do something that is extremely offensive to God. It is a crime. An example of blasphemy is claiming to be equal to God when you are not. It’s like saying, “I am just as powerful as God!” or even “I am God!”  Does that make sense? [Check for understanding. Rephrase if necessary – it’s important that the kids understand this concept].

A long time ago, Jesus was accused of blasphemy. He was put on trial, and He was killed because He had said that He was the Son of God. You see, claiming to be the Son of God is the same thing as claiming to be equal with God! Even though this was many years ago, people are still wondering if Jesus was guilty or innocent of this charge. Some people are saying that Jesus wasn’t blaspheming when He claimed to be the Son of God – they say that Jesus was telling the truth! Other people say that Jesus was not the true Son of God.  So today, the judge is going to make a decision for once and for all: Was Jesus the Son of God, or not?

Before the judge comes in, and the court starts, I think it would be helpful if we watched a video of the first time Jesus went to court! I’ve got a movie here that shows the events surrounding Jesus’ first trial.

[Play ‘The Story of Jesus for Children’, from 30:13 – 57:07.]

Isn’t that an amazing story? It’s my favorite…But we don’t have time to talk about that – the Court session is about to begin! But there’s a big problem – while you were watching the video, I got a notice from both lawyers who were supposed to come today, and neither of them will be here! The lawyer who believes that Jesus is innocent missed his plane this morning; and the lawyer who believes that Jesus was lying when He said He was the Son of God came down with laryngitis and can’t speak at all! The judge isn’t going to be too impressed by this…but at least the lawyers each sent their arguments on paper! Maybe the trial can go ahead after all. [Check your watch]. Oh boy, Court needs to start right now. You guys remember the rules, right? Stand up when I tell you to, sit down after the judge sits down, be very quiet, and if the Judge asks you a question stand up and call him “Your Honour” when you reply.

Drama with the Judge:

[Clerk moves to the door and opens it; looks toward the stage and speaks with dignity]: All Rise!

[The Judge enters regally and moves to the desk on the stage; bangs the gavel on the desk]

Judge: Court is now in session. [Sit down]

[Clerk motions to the kids to sit down]

Judge: Today, we will be hearing the case of Jesus’ trial: Is Jesus innocent or guilty of blasphemy for claiming to be the Son of God? Would the prosecuting attorney please rise?

Clerk: [looks nervously around] Your Honour, I regret to inform you that the prosecuting attorney is unable to be here today; he has laryngitis and can’t speak. But he sent a written statement…would you like to assign someone to read it?

Judge: [Sighs] I suppose we had better. [Scans the benches of kids, points to one of the older kids]. You, what is your name?

[Allow the student to stand up and say, “      , Your Honour”.]

Judge: Would you please come to the front and read the statement for the lawyer who believes that Jesus was guilty of blasphemy?

[Student should respond: “Yes, Your Honour”. Clerk gives the student the following statement to read]

Statement from the Prosecuting Attorney

Jesus lied when He said He was the Son of God. He was just a man. I declare that Jesus is guilty of blasphemy!

[Allow for a long period of silence]

Judge: Is that it?! That’s the whole statement? No evidence, no witnesses, nothing to back up this claim?

[Look at the student and allow them to respond] Unbelievable! What kind of court does this lawyer think I’m running? Well, thanks for stepping in, I guess – you can go sit down now.

Judge: Would the defending attorney please rise?

Clerk: [looks nervously around] Your Honour… I’m afraid that lawyer missed his plane and can’t be here either. He did send his statement though…

Judge: [shakes head; scans the benches and points to another one of the older kids]. You, what is your name?

[Allow the student to stand up and say, “      , Your Honour”.]

Judge: Would you please come to the front and read the statement for the lawyer who believes that Jesus was innocent of blasphemy?

[Student should respond: “Yes, Your Honour”. Clerk gives the student the following statement to read]

Statement from the Defending Attorney

Jesus was telling the truth when He said He was the Son of God. I declare that Jesus is innocent of blasphemy!

[Again, allow for awkward silence while anticipating that there is more to be read.]

Judge: There’s nothing else from this lawyer, either? Surely, he provided some evidence? A witness? [Look at student and allow them to respond to the negative]. Nothing? Unbelievable! Good thing these lawyers aren’t here or I’d throw them out of the court for incompetence!!

[Stand up and speak emphatically]. This is an important case though! I can’t make a decision about Jesus if no one is going to bring forward any evidence! [Start pacing]. What can I do?

[Stop and turn toward the kids like you just had a great idea]. Hey…what about you guys? You look like a smart bunch of kids. I bet you could do a much better job than those lawyers! I need people to investigate the issue – and you are just the ones for the job! I need you to learn the facts! Get to the bottom of this. If Jesus was the Son of God – then I need proof! Bring me photos! Bring me witnesses! If Jesus actually did miracles, you need to interview people who saw them. Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Then I’ll need to hear from someone who actually saw Him alive after He died! You can’t just tell me what you think – prove to me one way or the other if Jesus really was the Son of God!

You got it? The Court Clerk can get you set up with everything you’ll need to do your job. [Stand behind the desk and raise the gavel] We will hear the case for Jesus in two weeks’ time. This court is now adjourned. [Bang the gavel].

[Clerk motions for the kids to rise; the judge leaves with dignity and composure out the door].

Review of the Rotation (lead by Clerk)

Express amazement at this very unexpected turn of events. Review with the kids what the judge wants them to do and explain that over the next 2 weeks they will have opportunity to visit different workshops that will help them to gather the evidence they need to determine whether Jesus was guilty or innocent. Remind them to take careful notes and pay attention, because they will be presenting their case before the judge! Hand out a briefcases to each student and ask them to label it with their name and grade (this is for keeping their case notes safe).

If there is time at the end, share with the kids a verse that you think will help them to make sense of this whole trial: 1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but was made alive in the Spirit.” Explain any difficult words/phrases (sins= anything we do, say, or think that does not please God; the righteous = a person who always does what is good; the unrighteous = people who do what is not good; put to death = killed), and practice the verse together. Creative methods to consider:

  • Make up actions for key words
  • Split the room in half (or boys and girls) and give them alternate phrases to say. Repeat the verse several times until each side knows their parts, then switch. (One side says “For Christ also suffered once for sins”, “to bring you to God”, and “but was made alive in the Spirit" )
  • Start at the beginning of the verse and have the kids repeat the first few words after you. Repeat the one bit several times before adding more. Once you’ve gotten through the whole verse, start quoting from near the end and have the kids finish it. Do it again, making it longer by a phrase until they say the whole verse.
  • Make up a tune to sing the verse to, and teach the verse to the kids as a song

A lesson written by Andrea Anderst from: Zion Baptist Community Church
Alberta, Canada

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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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