Link to a Four Lesson Set found in the Zacchaeus Forum, summary below:
Zacchaeus, and the Rich Young Man
by Karen Carver
Summary of those Workshops:
- Cooking: make "Zach cookies." "Faith sprinkles" do not stick until "God icing" is added. (Zacchaeus only)
- Games: eye of needle game (Rich Young Man only)
- Drama: Through interactive drama the youngest class will learn the story of Zacchaeus and the choice he made to follow Jesus. The older classes will speculate the possible rest of the story of the Rich Young Man making the choice to follow or not.
- Video: Treasure in Heaven (Nest) - covers both stories.
Video Clips
- Friends and Heroes Bible DVD series
Series 3, Episode #39 - The Road Ahead
Jesus and the Rich Young Man, (Mark 10:17-23) - Matthew (Visual Bible) DVD
Event #59 The Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-30) starts at 32:48 - aprrox. 3 mins. - Treasure in Heaven (Nest)
This video has many stories in one – Zacchaeus, Rich Young Man, Blessing the Children and the healing of Bartimaeus. See DVD chapter list and which of the three DVD quiz's covers this story here.