
Reply to "John Wesley ~ Lessons, Resources and Ideas"

John Wesley

History/Science Lesson

Summary: timeline (panel) walk-through and domino's falling.

Memory Verse:
Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.
Mark 16:15


  • John Wesley was the founder of Methodism.
  • John Wesley was called by God.
  • John Wesley spread the good news of Jesus to all people.
  • John Wesley’s heart was “strangely warmed” after a Bible study in London.
  • Christianity involves a personal relationship between each person and God.
  • God loves each of us individually.


  • Coloring page
  • Crayons or markers
  • Panels for the “Walk with Wesley” (described on pages 198-199 of J.W & Company -- We used the Intro, Panel 1, Panel 3, Panel 4, Panel 5, Panel 9, and Panel 12, renumbered, of course as Intro + Panels 1-6)
  • Dominos
  • J.W. & Company by Daphna Flegal published by Cokesbury. ISBN 0-687-81814-3
    • see this link for the new release of this.

Lesson Plan


  • Arrival Activity
  • Opening
  • Memory Verse
  • Walk With Wesley
  • Reflection
  • Science Lab
  • Closing

Arrival Activity

As people enter the room, welcome them. Pass out the coloring page for them to work on as you wait for others.


Begin by saying the Lord's Prayer together.

Have the kids introduce themselves. Be sure to introduce yourself!

(1st week) Tell the students that we are studying the life of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.

(other weeks) Ask the students who are we studying? What do you know about him?

Memory Verse

Review the memory verse.
Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.

Mark 16:15


Walk with Wesley - History

(You can set the panels up at different spots around the room, or set them up on alternate ends of the room (odds on one end/evens on the other), changing the panel that shows while the children are looking at the next panel.) Letting the students move a little between the panels will make the story seem shorter and keep them from getting as antsy.

(We use the "Walk with Wesley" from pages 200-203 in J.W. & Company
We used the Intro, Panel 1, Panel 3, Panel 4, Panel 5, Panel 9, and Panel 12, renumbered, of course as Intro + Panels 1-6)  see this link for the new release of this.


Q. What did you hear during the Walk with Wesley that you didn’t already know?

Q. What sorts of things does our church do that continues Wesley’s ministry of working with the poor, the prisoners, and the children?

Q. How do you think our church tries to reach people who don’t know about the good news of Jesus?

Science Dominoes Demonstration

Put out a set or two of dominoes on each table. Have the students set them up in patterns where knocking over one domino will start a chain reaction of dominoes falling over.

Q. How are these dominoes like what we’re studying? [anything about one person affecting another person – John Wesley affecting people through his preaching, class system reinforcing daily walk, circuit riders sharing faith, etc.]

John Wesley influenced a lot of people directly through his preaching, and more people indirectly through the preachers he sent throughout England, Scotland, Ireland, and the American colonies.
Q. What people have that kind of influence today?

Q. What kind of influence do you have on the people around you? How can you influence others for good?

For 4th-5th graders:
Q. Have you ever let someone influence you to do something you didn’t think was right? How did you feel afterwards?

Q. When people think of you, do you think they can tell you are a Christian? Why or why not? Does your answer bother you?


Ask the shepherds if they have anything they’d like to do or say.

Either you or the shepherds need to lead the kids in Joys and Concerns. Go around the room asking each child to share a Joy (happy thing). Go back around asking each child if they have a Concern (sad thing) to share.

Someone needs to offer a closing prayer. If that is you, then you can pray something like this:

Dear God, thank you for this chance to learn about you. Help us share your good news with others by our words and our actions. Amen.

Extra While waiting for parents to arrive
Finish the coloring page started during arrival activities.


Pick up dominos.
Put away the panels.

Lesson written by JoOehrlein.

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