Posted by Lisa M
- Veggie Tales has "Josh and the Big Wall" whose treatment of the story "should we do it our way or God's way?" works with theme of obedience.
The Veggie Tales video includes a bit where the squash build a "wallminator" to tear down the wall because they don't think God's plan will work. Perhaps your kids could construct their own wallminator then discuss doing things our way vs. God's way.
Here's are lessons, at, that uses this video link and link. - I also think some discussion about walls and whether they protect or divide people -- especially in the political context of the wall being built between Israel and Palestine -- would be interesting. A video of the coming down of the Berlin wall would be a neat movie alternative. How do individuals and churches "build walls" to keep others out? How does God encourage us to break down barriers that separate us?
Posted by tracey