
Reply to "VIDEO/A-V Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Joshua & Jericho"


Movie Workshop

Note: we covered the story of the spies and the walls of Jericho in one rotation, but this movie is really good at covering the Spies and Rahab - it also covers Walls of Jericho but you could stop before that part starts. Another nice thing is that it gives you some background story before the spies were sent out right back to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

 Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the video The Beginner’s Bible: The Story of Joshua & The Battle of Jericho
1996.  Beginner's Bible has posted this one on YouTube  (26:25 mins).

Leader Preparation:

  • Watch the video ahead of time and be aware where you want to pause the DVD for questions.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • TV / DVD Player
  • Computer or projector with internet access (if watching it from YouTube)
  • Popcorn & Juice


 Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

 Open with a prayer.

 Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

 Show the video, pausing after each section below to ask questions.


Moses and the Twelve Tribes

  1. Do you remember who led the Israelites out of Egypt where they were slaves? Moses
  2. How many tribes were there? TWELVE
  3. What was the name of the land God had promised to Abraham and his descendants. Canaan
  4. What was kept in the Ark of the Covenant? The Ten Commandments
  5. Why did the people not go to Canaan?They didn’t trust God and were afraid of the Canaanites and their armies.
  6. This made God angry for not trusting him to lead them safely into the Promised Land, and so he made the people wander in the desert for how many years. FORTY

Joshua / Two Spies / Rahab

  1. 40 years have passed and Joshua is the new leader – God speaks to Joshua and tells him to go West across what river? Jordan River
  2. Before a big battle, the leader of the military needs to know a few things. He needs to know all about the city they are attacking, and he needs a battle plan. So, Joshua sent how many spies into Jericho to find out about the city? Two
  3. When they two spies where discovered who hid them? Rahab
  4. Do you know why Rahab saved them? She knew that the Lord had given them the land and that her people were very afraid of the Isrealites. They had heard how the Lord dried up the Red Sea for them when they came out of Egypt. The Lord their God is the God who rules over heaven above and earth below.
  5. Where did she hid them? She hid them on her roof (under Flax, I don’t believe they say this in the movie), and told the soldiers she saw them running for the city gates.
  6. How did she get them out of the city? She hung a red robe over the city wall that the spies slide down and ran for safety.
  7. Where did she tell them to go? To hide in the hills (mountains) for 3 days
  8. What favour did Rahab ask of the spies? To save her family when they attacked the city
  9. What did the spies tell Rahab to do so her family would be safe? Hang the red rope out her window
  10. Upon their return what did the two spies tell Joshua about the Canaanites? the people were afraid of the Isrealites and their God and they were small people, not giants

Battle Plan

  1. How did Joshua come up with his plan to destroy the city? God gave him a plan

Crossing the Jordan River / 12 Rocks

  1. How did they cross the Jordan River? the priest stepped into the river carrying the Ark and the waters parted (just like the Red Sea), they then waited in the river bed while everyone else crossed
  2. After the people had crossed the river how many men did God tell Joshua to pick? 12 men, one from each tribe
  3. What were the men to do? Each take a rock from where the priest stood in the river bed and place them in a memorial at their next camp as a memory of what God did to get them their by parting the Jordan River when the Ark entered it with the priests

Fall of Jericho

  1. It turns out that Jericho was a VERY STRONG city. It was surrounded by very high, very strong walls – in some places, the walls were 20 feet thick (compare that to normal 8-9 foot ceilings in classrooms). Joshua needed a very good battle plan to defeat this city.  God told Joshua how to attack the city.

    Fill in the blanks:

    No one was to ______? Talk
    _______ priest with _______ horns?
    Seven Ram
    carry the _____ of the covenant? Ark
    men were to be ______? Armed
    they were to march _____ time around the city each day? one
  2. How many days did they march around Jericho? Six days
  3. Each day how many times did they go around the city? Once
  4. On what day were the brave soldiers suppose to march around the city 7 times? Seventh day
  5. On the seventh day who joined the soliders? The woman and children
  6. On the seventh day were they quiet? No they shouted and screamed
  7. What happened after they marched around seven time, on the seventh day? The walls fell down
  8. Does anyone remember what the name is of the horn the prests blew? A shofar

Joshua & Rahab

  1. What did Joshua tell Rahab? That she could live


 End with a prayer.


 DVD - "The Battle of Jericho" (Beginner's Bible Series).  Was re-released Sept. 22, 2015 in a collection called "Beginner's Bible Vol. 4". Great for your younger children.   It includes 4 of the original titles:  Joseph & His Brothers, Daniel & the Lion's Den, The Battle of Jericho, and Jonah. Looks like they may be taking this out of print as Beginner's bible are now posting full episodes on YouTube as noted above.

 A lesson written by Luanne Payne from:  Hampton United Church
Hampton, Ontario, Canada

 A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

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