
Reply to "VIDEO/A-V Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Joshua & Jericho"


Video/Games Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Watch the video, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho from “The Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible” by Hanna Barbera (1985). Play a marshmallow wall-building relay race game.

Memory Verse:

Joshua 1:9

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Preview the video.

Supplies List:

  • Joshua and the Battle of Jericho from “The Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible” by Hanna Barbera (1985).
  • Popcorn
  • Plastic Spoons
  • Marshmallows

Advanced Preparation Requirements:

  • Have the video ready to go when the kids arrive.
  • Pop the popcorn.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Introduce yourself to the children as they come into the room with their guide. They will be wearing nametags, and in September, when you are new to them, you can also wear a nametag.

Open with a prayer.

Review the memory verse, “Be strong and courageous, …for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 Also review the bonus verse, “…as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Show the children your Bible, and tell them that today’s story is from God’s Word, the Bible, from the sixth book, Joshua. Name the first six books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua.

We will be showing the video, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho from “The Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible” by Hanna Barbera (1985).

Before you pass out the popcorn and start the video, ask some review questions and provide some information to the children in the audience.

Ask, “Who was Joshua?” (ANS: He was the man chosen by God to be the leader of the people of Israel after Moses died.)

Ask what the students remember about Rahab and the spies from their previous workshops. Give them brief answers if they don’t remember.

Ask, “What river did Joshua lead the people across?” (ANS: the Jordan River)

Ask, “What did they do with twelve stones?” (ANS: They made a memorial heap at Gilgal, to remember God’s great miracles of stopping the River Jordan so they could cross on dry land and parting the Red Sea when they left Egypt.)

Explain to the children that this video series begins with a story of some modern teenagers who travel back in time to the Bible times. This is not really possible, but it helps us get into the story.

Also explain that the Ark of the Covenant in the movie looks like a tent that is carried between two poles carried by four men. Actually, it was a special gold-covered box containing the two stone tables with the Ten Commandments on them that Moses received at Mt. Sinai. It also contained a sample of “manna”, the special food God provided to the Israelites when they wandered for 40 years with Moses in the wilderness. The Ark was the sign of God’s presence with the Israelites. Watch for it in the movie; it is important.

Show the video, and pass out popcorn. Follow the video with a game.

Questions: (Use these as a teaching opportunity.)

  1. How did God keep His promise to bring the Israelites into the Promised Land? (ANS: He used an obedient, faith-filled leader named Joshua, and he gave the people success crossing the Jordan River, even though it was at flood stage, and conquering the walled city of Jericho.)
  2. How do you think God prepared the Israelites to enter the Promised Land? (ANS: He taught them to trust Him by supplying their needs in the wilderness, giving them manna to eat, giving them laws, the Ten Commandments, and a way to worship Him. He also disciplined them [this is new teaching] when they did not trust Him. The first time they tried to enter Canaan, 40 years before this time, Joshua and Caleb were among 12 spies sent to spy out the land. All but Joshua and Caleb reported back to Moses that the inhabitants of the land were too fierce for them to conquer, but Joshua and Caleb had faith that God would give them victory. They had to wait 40 years for victory because God needed to discipline and train His people.)
  3. How is entering the Promised Land a little bit like entering God’s Kingdom, where He rules inside you? (ANS: God can rule inside you when you believe Him and obey Him, just like Joshua did. If you believe God knows and loves you and that He forgives you because of Jesus’ dying on the cross for your sins, and if you follow Jesus obediently, God rules inside of you.)

Game: Marshmallow Wall-Building Relay Race

  1. Divide the group into two parts by having the children count off, “1,2, 1,2…” Twos are in one line, and ones in the other line.
  2. Provide a plastic spoon for each child in line, and place a bowl of marshmallows at the front of the line.
  3. At the signal, the first person in line has to scoop up a marshmallow in his spoon and carry it in his/her mouth while race-walking to a spot designated for building their team’s marshmallow wall.
  4. If the player drops the marshmallow, he/she must go back and start over.
  5. Wall-building has to be done by holding the spoon in the mouth and dropping the marshmallow into a designated area, and then hands are allowed, but only on the newly delivered marshmallow (e.g. a player can’t touch other marshmallows).
  6. The first team to build a wall that does not topple is the winner.
  7. Follow it with treats, marshmallows, of course (with alternatives for allergic kids.)

Close with a circle of prayer, and invite children to return next week with their Bible and a friend.

A lesson posted by member "learner".

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