Recently saw Joshua-Fall of Jericho as portrayed in the first 12 minutes of 2013's mini-series "THE BIBLE," Episode 3: "Homeland."
Rahab, Spies, Joshua, Walls, Battle.
Rahab gets roughed up by the Jericho soldiers and we see her with a knife to her throat. The fall of the walls IS pretty cool looking, but it's followed by lots of killing
Then the story skips forward to Samson and the episode gets even more violent.
Give them credit for attempting to accurately portray the violence in these stories --which Sunday School teachers tend to GLOSS OVER. But count me out for teaching either of these two stories only more than "in passing." From my Jesus-point-of-view, the "conquest" of Canaan looks more like sin, and not anything sacred.
There are 10 episode in THE BIBLE. I only recommend Episode 5 (Daniel) and 6-10 (Jesus).
Supporting Members Take Note:
There are teaching outlines to THE BIBLE Episodes 5-10 and an overview of what's in the "not entirely recommended" Episodes 1-4 which have a few good things in them for kids.
You can see these outlines here at Rotation.org.