Joshua and the City of Jericho
Movie Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
The children will watch the Veggie Tales video, Josh and the Big Wall, and will consider that God’s ways are motivated by His love for His people.
Scripture Reference: Joshua 1-6
Memory Verse: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10 (NIV)
Lesson Objectives for the rotation
(see listing above)
Additional objectives for the movie workshop
At the end of the session, the students will
- know that because God loves them and is always looking out for them; God’s way is the best way.
Teacher preparation in advance:
- Read the scripture passages and lesson plan and attend the Bible Study, ....
- Learn the memory verse.
- Confer with the Shepherd on age level adjustments needed each week (those included in the lesson plan and your own). Consider the “Stretchers” you can use, especially with the youngest children.
- To our teachers at RCC: The design of this workshop is very intentional. The activities and discussion questions for this workshop were designed to meet the goals of the entire rotation and the educational objectives of the Rotation Model (tm) at River Community Church. While we feel it is important to follow the serendipitous leading of the Holy Spirit, please do not change the lesson plan without consulting a Curriculum Planning and Writing Team member.
- Check out the room before your first Sunday workshop so that you know where everything is located.
- The bin with supplies is located in the Sunday School room. Purchase or request additional supplies from -- by May 15.
- Preview the video and be familiar with where the video should be stopped for discussion.
- Prepare cups for memory verse activity.
- Write the names of the first six books of the Bible on a piece of posterboard.
Room set-up:
The children will sit in chairs or on the floor facing the TV or projection screen.
Supply List.
- Video: Josh and the Big Wall! Chicago: Big Ideas Productions, Inc., 1997. ISBN 1-57132-383-X.
- Popcorn or Chex Mix
- Lemonade or water and cups
- Hand wipes
- 3 oz. bathroom cups (8-10 sets of 10 per set)
- Memento: Veggies stickers
- Shepherd Time: no supplies
Opening-Welcome and Introductions:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Wear your name-tag. (Remember, you are interacting with a different group of students each week who may not know you.) Make sure the children are wearing name-tags.
We had an opening prayer during the gathering time, but you may open with prayer if you feel led to do so.
Explain the purpose of this workshop: Today we are going to hear the story of the time Joshua and the Israelites conquered the city of Jericho --- “Veggie Tales style.”
Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
Scripture/Bible Story:
Say: The Bible is divided into two parts: Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible story today is in the Old Testament book of Joshua. Joshua is the sixth book of the Old Testament. Let’s review the names of the first six books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua (as you say the names, point to the name that you have previously written on a poster board or white board).
Hand out the Bibles and instruct the children to open their Bibles to Joshua 5:13.
Explain the large chapter numbers and the small verse numbers. [We restate information about Bible organization in each workshop to be sensitive to visitors and new children in the class who may not have any knowledge of the Bible. We never want a child to feel like they do not belong because they do not know this information before they come to class.]
For younger children: Instruct them to close their Bibles and put them away. Read Joshua 5:13-15; 6:1-5, 15-16, 20, 27.
For older children: Read Joshua 5:13-15; 6:1-16, 20, 27 or ask for volunteers to read.
Hand out popcorn and water and start the movie.
STOP: After Bob says, “That’s why they’re stuck here in the desert.”
ASK: Why were the Israelites stuck in the desert? [They didn’t follow God’s directions.]
Fast forward the tape through “Silly Songs with Larry.” If time permits you can play this at the end of the class. Start the tape again.
STOP: After Jim and Jerry (the squash brothers) talk about the walls being made out of Jello and one of them says, “Then we could eat them.”
ASK: Did the Israelites seem ready to follow God’s instructions after Joshua told them what God wanted them to do? [No] I wonder why?
Start the tape again.
STOP: After Joshua says, “As your new leader, I think we should try doing it God’s way first.”
ASK: What did Joshua remind the Israelites about in his song? [The Lord knows what he is doing and he will take care of them if they will follow God.]
Start the tape again.
STOP: After Jr. Asparagus’ song.
ASK: What does Jr. tell the people to remember when God’s way does not make sense? [God made us, loves us, and always wants his best for us.]
Play the movie all the way to the end---after “QWERTY.”
Pulling it all together (closing discussion):
Before the Israelites go to Jericho, they had been wandering in the desert for forty years. Do you remember why? [They did not follow God’s directions.]
When the Israelites followed God’s directions for taking over Jericho, what happened? [The Israelites were able to take over Jericho without fighting.]
Review the memory verse.
Before class, write the words of the memory verse on small paper bathroom cups (3 oz.), one word per cup. There should be 10 cups for each set (without one for the verse address).
Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of cups. Instruct the children to stack the cups in a pyramid with the words in order. They should be able to read the verse from top to bottom. With 10 cups, there will be 4 on the bottom, 3 on the next row, 2 on the third row, and 1 on the top. After stacking them in order, say the verse and the address and GENTLY knock the cups down.
Shepherd Time:
Gather the children in a circle and ask them, “Do you remember a time when you knew the way God would want you to do something was hard or did not make sense?” or “Remember the letter that Bob told Jr. Asparagus about at the beginning of the video? Has something like that ever happened to you?”
I wonder what are some things we can do to help us follow God’s plan?
If time allows, you may also want to ask the children if they have any prayer requests for this week.
You may want to provide an extra activity or worksheet, such as coloring sheets, crossword puzzles, word searches, games. See the Teachers’ Background Notes and for ideas..
Prayer: Father God, thank you for loving us and always wanting the best for us. We need your help to follow your directions. Please remind us that your way is the best way even when it does not seem to make sense. Amen.
Tidy and Dismissal:
Ask children to help tidy the room. Give any specific instructions for clearing the workshop room.
If necessary, collect the journal pages before they leave. Make sure their names and the date are on them.
Give everyone the parent take-home flyer the first week of the rotation; give it only to children who were absent and have not yet received it the other weeks of the rotation.
Additional Suggestions:
Note the age-level adjustments in the lesson plan.
- Bedford Presbyterian Church, Bedford, NY. Movie lesson plan posted at the Ideas and Lesson Exchange: “EXODUS to JUDGES: Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Judges, Leviticus, Numbers, Deut.: Joshua, Conquest of Canaan --Lesson Set” (reposted by Neil MacQueen):
- Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
A lesson written by Jamie Senyard from: River Community Church
Prairieville, LA
Copyright 2004 Jamie Senyard. Permission granted to freely distribute and use, provided the copyright message is included.
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