
Reply to "King Saul Lesson Ideas"

Movie suggestions for King Saul:

1. What's in the Bible? DVD #5.  Israel Gets a King.
Phil Vischer original creator of the Veggie Tales – has a smash hit with this new series called “What’s In The Bible?”. Great teaching tools filled with Phil’s humour that even we adults enjoy! The age range is optimally age 7 to young teen. Younger kids will enjoy some of the content, and it is presented in sections so you can easily skip.


2. Jacob’s Ladder Episodes 8, 9
Recommended for pre-teens / teens (ages 10-15) Join a group of teens as they are transported back into Bible times in the "Jacob's Ladder" series. The "teenpack" is looking for adventure when they discover a mysterious old lighthouse and the even more mysterious keeper, Rafael. Through the lighthouse, the young teens are transported to Bible times where they interact with timeless characters and learn of a loving God who cares for His people through all the ages. Below are descriptions from Vision Video.

Vision Video has free downloadable study guides for Jacob's Ladder which may be useful in deciding if the particular video will cover the part of Saul’s life you wish to focus in on. I have not seen these, so cannot comment on how good they are, but note they were filmed in Wales and the actors have British accents. I’ve included the David episodes as well, as David and Saul’s lives are intertwined. 

Here's the breakdown of the episodes:


Jacob’s Ladder Episodes 8 & 9: Saul, Vision Video, 727985009117


Episode 8: A King for the Hebrews
Samuel has been a faithful prophet and judge of Israel for many years, but the people are increasingly dissatisfied. Attacks from surrounding nations have fed their desire for a king to lead them. Will the fledgling nation ever learn to trust in God alone and thank him for all He's given them?


Episode 9: Saul Takes Charge 
Since the shy farmer, Saul, has become the king of Israel, his family has noticed some changes. His newfound power and status leave him little time to consult with God, and there's no telling who will be the next target of his suspicions and anger. How far should we follow if our leaders take a wrong turn? This and other lessons come through in this story. Link to study guide download


Jacob’s Ladder: Episodes 10 & 11: SAUL & DAVID, Vision Video, 727985009124.

Episode 10: The King Needs Help  King Saul is slipping into mental illness, but he won't accept help from his family or from the prophet, Samuel. God Leads Samuel to secretly anoint a new king who will eventually take Saul's place. How will the king react when a boy named David has enough faith to obediently follow the Lord's calling?

Episode 11: Death Waiting 
Now a leading officer in King Saul's army, David enjoys one victory after another, but his success fuels the king's anger and jealousy, How can Prince Jonathan, son of King Saul, do the right thing when his own father plots to kill his best friend, David?


Jacob’s Ladder Episode 12 & 13: DAVID, Vision Video, 727985009131.


Episode 12: David on the Run
King Saul is out to kill his most successful and loyal soldier, David. While David finds refuge through the people of God, Saul shows no respect for God or his people. See the results of their decisions as this tale unfolds.

Episode 13: A New King
In King Saul's darkest hour, he finally attempts to call on God as he once did, but God is silent. Where will Saul turn now? Can he sink any lower in his defiance of God? The story of David comes to a thrilling conclusion as he continues to walk in covenant with the Lord - the same covenant that began so many years before when Jacob saw a ladder to heaven.

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