Ruth Ann White posted:
Thanks Ruth Ann!
For all: The woman who wrote that book Ruth Ann refers to has a BLOG ARTICLE that lists her typical lesson plan steps.
It's at
The Basic Method
Excerpts from Emily Given's blog article
1. Select Bible stories with action, adventure, blood, guts, drama, wonder, suspense, etc. (I often ask for suggestions from the children during the first session.)
(Skipped: 2-6 are some non-LEGO related lesson plan steps)
7. Introduce the story: Where can it be found? Who wrote it? When did it take place? Who are we going to “meet”?
8. Read the story.
9. Allow each child to fill a plastic bucket with Legos and then find a place in the room to work. (Floor work is best.)
10. Set the expectation that something from the story must be made before any other creations can be constructed.
11. Be available to answer questions, review the story, or help “stuck” children.
12. Establish a place for display.
13. One on one, listen to the stories the child wants to share about his/her work. (This is most effective if the whole group isn’t listening.)
14. Optional: take a photo of child with the creation.
15. Optional: story related snack (at beginning or end)
16. Invite each child to show his/her work to a parent/adult and have child share something from the story.
17. Hand out the Scripture citation on a small sheet so families can revisit the story during the week.
Neil Notes:
Perhaps it is found in her book, but what I don't see in her article is life application or "acting out" of the story using the LEGOS. Simply assembling the story seems like just a good start.
Below I've copied one of their LEGO photos here in case the buildfaith website eventually stops showing it. It says it belongs to the church the author used to serve but I couldn't find it there.