
Reply to "Letters to Timothy Lesson Set; FBC Midland MI"


Game Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Today’s lesson uses a variation of the $100,000 Pyramid game show to review Timothy lessons.

Lesson Objective:

  1. Be able to define key terms from this Rotation Lesson

Materials List:

  • Categories of words with seven words per set (see below)
  • Timer
  • 100 GRAND candy bars (enough for each student)
  • Pencil and Paper

    Timothy Pyramid Graphic

Advance Preparation:

  1. Create general category word sets for each group of students. One set should be made for each pair of students. For example, if you expect 20 students, then you will have 10 pairs of students and will need 10 word sets.
  2. Create Pyramid Finals poster with categories.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Have the students introduce themselves.


Game Introduction (5 minutes):

Explain that the class will be reviewing Bible lessons by playing ‘The $10,000 Pyramid’ game show. This will consist of six basic rounds where everyone will get a chance to play. The game will end with a winners’ round where two finalists will complete for grand prize.

  1. Divide the class into pairs. Explain that each pair will be working together as a team. Teams should spread out in the room so they can work with each other without other teams being able to hear their clues.
  2. Explain that each team will be given a set of words. One person will be allowed to see the words. The other person will have to guess the word based on verbal clues from their partner. Demonstrate this idea with the word “Bible.” (give clues like “a book,” “Scripture,” “God’s Word” etc.). Someone should quickly guess that the word is Bible.
  3. Let the teams decide who will give clues and who will guess. They can switch in between rounds, but not in the middle of a round.
  4. Most of the words will come from the Timothy lessons; some will come from lessons we have learned earlier this year.
  5. Teams can chose to keep the same person guessing all the time, or to take turns.
  6. The person guessing can call “Pass” anytime they feel stumped on a word. Their partner should go to the next word. Can come back to “passed” words if time hasn’t run out.
  7. Each time a person guesses a word correctly, the team gets one point. Hand out pencils and scrap paper to each team. Let them agree who will keep score.
  8. Play this game six times, with a different category each time.
  9. The team with the most correct answers at the end of the six times will advance to the Pyramid Finals.
  10. Ask if anyone has questions before you begin the first round.
  11. Say a class prayer now (you may not have time later). Pray for fun… that everyone will learn something new… for good sportsmanship.

Play the Game (20 minutes):

Tell class you will pass out the Round One words – no one should look until you say “Start.”

  1. Set timer for 2 minutes.
  2. Have the clue giver from each team raise his or her hand.
  3. Pass out the folded Round One words (each group should always receive the same Round of words at the same time.)
  4. Announce “Start.”
  5. Call time at the end of 2 minutes.
  6. At the end of each round, write down each team’s score.
  7. Review the words and their meaning as a group – this is the point of the whole activity, to review key words and make sure the kids understand them correctly.
  8. Repeat for Round Two through Six.
  9. At the end of Round Six, congratulate everyone as a “winner!” Identify the finalist team. Encourage everyone to clap hands, show support of finalist team.

Final Bonus Round (10 minutes):

Choose the team with highest cumulative score from Rounds 1-6. They should be on “front center stage” in your room, while the other kids sit in the audience. The “guesser” should sit with his or her back to the Pyramid Poster; the clue giver sits facing the Pyramid Poster.

The bonus round is played in the same manner as the first rounds. The exception is that each category will have only word. These words will be different from the first rounds, and will be harder. Words could be from this lesson about Timothy, or other lessons learned during the year. Words can also be from generic Bible knowledge.

The “guesser” picks categories in any order he or she likes; can always “pass” on a question, and come back if time allows. For our purposes, the categories will not have “point values.” We’re trying to help kids learn words, not actually play a game show.

Set timer for 3 minutes.

Instruct the audience to be quiet during play. Wish finalist good luck. Begin!

Review words when the round is finished – make sure everyone understands correct definitions of the words.

Pass out ‘100 GRAND’ candy bars to each student – everyone is a winner!

ROUND ONE:  People & Places                ROUND TWO:  The Bible 
1.      PAUL                            1.  NEW TESTAMENT
2.      TIMOTHY                         2.  SCRIPTURE 
3.      MISSIONARY                      3.  GENESIS 
4.      HOLY SPIRIT                     4.  KNOWLEDGE 
5.      DAMASCUS                        5.  OLD TESTAMENT
6.      JOSEPH                          6.  STORY
7.      JOHN THE BAPTIST                7.  PARABLE  
ROUND THREE: A Good Friend              ROUND FOUR: Attributes of God
1.      ENCOURAGER                      1.  ETERNAL
2.      TRUSTWORTHY                     2. CREATOR
3.      FAMILY                          3. FORGIVING
4.      HONEST                          4.  FAITHFUL
5.      LOYAL                           5.  ALL KNOWING
6.      FUNNY                           6.  LOVING
7.      COMPATIBLE                      7.  EVERYWHERE

ROUND FIVE: Things Paul wrote About     ROUND SIX: Serving God
1.      GOOD CONSCIENCE                 1. TALENTS
2.      PURITY                          2. SPEECH
3.      FAITH                           3. LIFE 
4.      PRAYER                          4. LOVE  
5.      THANKSGIVING                    5. APPOINTED
6.      BELIEVERS                       6. YOUNG (AGE)
7.      STRENGTH                        7. SET AN EXAMPLE

First Baptist Church, Midland MI

Originally posted by member Joan Grady. Moved here by Rotation volunteer.

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Images (1)
  • Timothy Pyramid Graphic
Files (1)
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